You're my daughter

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A/N: Wooh I just ate some blueberry poptarts so I'm all pumped and ready to blast out an update because I can. I'm in author-chan mode and nothing can pull me out..{except Death The Kid, Soul, Kirito,ect} but shhh that's not the point. I have my intelligence glasses on and I'm ready to write up a storm. I feel like my writing has gone kerplunk lately. What do you guys think? Has it or am I being to hard on myself. I know my updates have been fairly short and I apologize for that. Time has just gotten the best of me lately. Especially with marching band season starting back up. Although you guys should be proud. I have survived my 3rd band camp!! EEK!! It's marvelous. Anywho don't forget to check out Final Symmetry by Fangirl4YAOI and maybe go give her a lil follow because she writes amazing stories. Peas and Carrots!?! On with ze story!!!!

Your P.O.V~

       My heart nearly exploded in my chest when my mother's familiar and sinister voice pierced my fragile eardrums. My gaze shifted to Kid who was looking at me with not only an expression of distress but guilt as well. "That's right you should be guilty. You just let my abusive and heartless mother step foot on your property and discover my whereabouts." I took in several deep breathes and closed my eyes imaging myself in my very own paradise where no one could harm me in any way, preferably my mother. I was becoming lost in a calm sensation until Kid's soft voice broke the peace and shattered all since of sanity I had left. 

   "What did you say" The words came out cold and bitter. I immediately felt guilty, especially when I saw it earned an expression of hurt and sorrow on Kid's normally emotionless face.

  "I asked if you'd like me to open the door" Kid stated again carefully. I could tell he didn't want to anger me more than I already was. In fact I was beyond angry. I was a boiling pot of pissed off and terrified but I couldn't let that show. It would only make matters worse. 

"No Kid let me handle this" I shook my head and reluctantly approached the double doors. Before my hand reached the knob my mother beat on the door. "Open up now" Her sickly voice called from behind the small yet wonderful barrier keeping us apart. I sighed and slowly opened the door and glared at my mother's features for the first time in 3 years.

  My mother was beyond beautiful. She was not ugly at all. In fact she made Sleeping Beauty look like a rotten basket of fruit that was left outside for too long. She has long and thick {H/C} locks that cascaded down her shoulders and beautiful golden eyes.  Her teeth were brighter than Maka's IQ and as straight as Kid's pictures on the wall. Her frame was slim but not sickly slim. She could pass as a Death City super model if she really wanted to. But I knew who she really was. Her dark personality and evil priorities were concealed by her looks. 

   She flashed a fake but genuine looking smile and opened her arms, expecting me to give her a hug. I scoffed and shook my head. "You're not welcome here mother or anywhere else that I'm at. Leave." I went to close the door after I made it very clear I still held my grudge but she grabbed the door as her smile faded. 

   "You're my daughter {Full Name} and I have every right to be as close to you as I want" She stated crisply and clear. I was about ready to slap her dead in the face and tell her to go to hell but I felt Kid's hands rest on my shoulders.

  "Hello, you must be {Y/N}'s mother. I am Death The Kid, Lord Death's son" I couldn't help but smile when I noticed Kid put a lot of weight on Lord Death's son and my mother's hard glare faltered a bit. "Could I have your name ma'am" Kid questioned my mother.

  My mother was quiet for what seemed like ages before she cleared her throat. "My name is Tori {Last Name}" She gazed at Kid waiting for his response. I could feel the tension growing between the two of them.

   "Well Tori you see {Y/N} dislikes that you are present in the same area she is and she has asked you to leave once. Of course you refused so I'm going to kindly ask you one last time. Leave." I smirked. The way Kid said it was marvelous. He didn't ask her to leave he commanded her to leave. Kid was quite intimidating when he wanted to be and I think he was doing an amazing job at intimidating my mother.

  My mother took a few steps back and turned around to leave but she turned back around and glared at me. "I will come back {Y/N} and he cannot keep you away from me. "You're my daughter and no matter how well you plan your life and no matter how well you hide I will find you"

  With that she left and I gazed after her until she was out of sight. Her words sent a chill down my spine and an unbalanced feeling within the pit of my stomach. Kid gently closed the door and kissed my forehead before speaking soft words to me that I didn't hear at all. I sat myself down on his couch once more and gazed at the black antique coffee table.  My mother's last sentence echoed in my head over and over again. "You're my daughter and no matter how well you plan your life and no matter how well you hide I will find you" 

   What did my mother want and most importantly what is she planning?

*I do not own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this fanfiction. Except my OC's of course!*

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