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WHOOOO HOOO!!!!!!!! 165 Floptarts!!!!!!!! Anyway here is a short update because I'm crunched on time. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I start everyone go check out Fangirl4YAOI her book Final Symmetry is a SoulxKid book and it needs more views. Please go read it and comment and vote. PLEASE!!! If you comment "fangirl lover" below when you're done I'll read one of your stories and comment on it and give some advice.

Dimitri's P.O.V~

    I slowly opened my eyes from a throbbing headache. The area around me was pitch black and the air was thick and hot. I went to stretch but realized my hands were strapped behind my back. "What the hell" I mumbled under my breath. After a few minutes I realize that I am stuck in the trunk of someone's car. I take in a deep breath and as I try to think about how I ended up here.


"Holy shit {Y/N} is awake?!?!? I'll be there as soon as possible Kid. 

     I hung up the phone and gazed around the messy apartment. "Okay...what do I need..." 

     I got up and grabbed a green t-shirt and pulled it over my head then went to slip on some shoes when I remembered. "I also need pants haha" 

  I slipped on some pants and then slipped on my black vans and gazed around once more before heading out.

  The streets of Death City were quiet and peaceful and the crisp morning air felt wonderful in my lungs. I smiled as I thought about seeing {Y/N} awake and happy. As I walked though my mood began to change. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that someone was watching me.

   I glanced behind myself several times and looked all around not seeing a single soul following me. I shrugged it off for several moments before it just became to much. I turned my my arm into a katana blade. 

   "Who's there I can feel your presence" I called out. I waited several minutes and no reply came. I sighed and shook my head then turned around. 

Flashback End~

I shook my head and tried to remember if I had seen the person who locked me in here but of course my brain was failing as usual. I frowned.

   "Let me out of here asshole" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I beat on the trunk door as hard as I could.  I did this for what seemed like hours and stopped because I grew tired and no response ever came. 

   I sat in silence and deep in thought. 

  "I hope {Y/N} is okay.. what if she is in Kid will protect her. I miss her. I'm so happy she is my weapon I don't know what I would do without her. She use to be so depressed but Kid makes her very happy. I'm glad she found him..there couldn't be a better guy for her. If only I could find a girl to protect and love. Kid is lucky he has {Y/N}...if he ever hurts her I'll kill that son of a bitch I swear to death.  I wonder how my Dad is doing..he hasn't called in quite some time...maybe I should check on"

   I became depressed when I thought of my parents. So many thoughts were racing through my head. Silence is not good for me. I get all caught up in useless thoughts and depressing thoughts. {Y/N} figured that out so she would always keep the radio or the T.V. on for me when I would go to bed so I could sleep peacefully and have an empty mind. I miss her so much.

   "I need to get out of here" I muttered under my breath as I once again attempted to escape the situation I was in.

"Don't worry {Y/N} I'll get out of here."

*I do not own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this fanfiction except my OC's of course :o) HoNk HoNk. Get the reference anyone?*

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