Part 4: Perfect

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Photo credit to whoever made the edit^^
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(Punzie's POV) (I decided to do a new POV)
Hans sees us and as soon as he stands up Elsa runs. Jack looks at Elsa and then at Hans. He starts to walk towards Hans very angrily and clenching his fists. I stop him knowing what he wants to do "Jack don't." He looks at me and very angrily he says "Let's go find Elsa." as he turns around and heads in the direction Elsa ran. I glare at Hans and Merida, Hiccup, and I follow Jack.

We find Elsa outside the mall sitting on a bench crying her eyes out. Jack is the first one to go sit next to her and hug her. Jack has always been there for Elsa no matter what and Elsa had done the same. Hiccup, Merida, and I sit on the bench and hug her too. "It's gonna be ok Els." Jack said. "Thanks Jack." She says quietly. She must be really heartbroken because she just called him Jack. "Do you guys wanna come sleepover at my house? So we can all be together." "Sure." They all said except Elsa who just nodded. "We'll go home, get our stuff, and then meet and Rap's house." Merida said. We all nodded and headed to our cars.
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(Jack's POV)
All you heard in the car was Elsa silently crying. I glanced at her many times but she never looked at me she just kept looking out the window. I didn't know what to say.

When finally got to our houses. I went into my house, told my mom that I was going to stay at Rap's, got my stuff, and then went outside to wait for Elsa.

After a while she came outside with her bag. She looks sad and it hurts me to see her so sad. We get in the car and I start driving to Punzie's house. The ride was silent until I finally decided to say something. "I'm sorry." I says glancing at her and then quickly looking back at the road. "It's not your fault" she sighs. "I should have told you this sooner but... when I was going to back Mr. Jones about my grades I saw Hans and Tooth together." She looks at me and says "Is that why you've been acting so weird?!" "Yes." "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" I knew I should have told her. "I'm sorry but I didn't want to ruin your day with everyone and I didn't want to see you hurt." She didn't say anything she just looked out the window.

We were the first ones to get to Rapunzel' house since it's pretty close. We knocked on the door and Punzie opened it "Hey guys come in." We went inside and then followed her upstairs as she said "Let's go to the guest room while we wait for Mer and Hic." When ever we start at Punzie's we always lay our sleeping bags in the guest room floor.

Elsa never looked at me and she never said anything to me. After a while of talking to Punzie someone knocked on the door "I'LL GET IT!" Punzie screamed. I chuckled and Elsa smiled and rolled her eyes. Once Punzie left it was silent. Elsa still still didn't look at me but I kept glancing at her. The glances became longer and I ended up staring at her for a while. "Els... Please talk to me." I finally said. She sighed "I just..." Tears started to form in her eyes. "You just what? Please... tell me." Then she looked at me and said "Tell you? Tell you just like you told me about Hans and Tooth Jackson?!" "Els I'm sorry. I really am." Her face softened "It's not your fault.  I'm sorry I over reacted. I just... I though it wouldn't have hurt as much if I heard it from my best friends and not seen it at the mall." Tears started going down her face. I went over to her and wiped her tears. I put my hand on her check "It's ok you'll get over it. Hans was a douchebag anyway." She laughed softly "Thanks Frost you always know how to make my smile." I smirked "That's why I'm here."

Punzie came upstairs with Merida and Hiccup following behind her. We set up our sleeping bags in a circle on the floor and sat on them. "Ok let's play something." Punzie said as she smirked at Merida and Hiccup like she was planning something "Like what?" Merida also said at she smirked at them. "How about Truth or Dare?" Hiccup said smirking. Ok what is up with these three? Why are they smirking? "Perfect!" Punzie said looking at Elsa and I. They are definitely planning something.
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I hope you enjoyed Part 4: Perfect!
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Sorry it's kinda short I wrote Elsa's and Jack's convo from my mom's phone and it never saved so I had to rewrite it.
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I'll update when I can! :) <3

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