Chapter 11- You Look Gorgeous!

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Wade wanted me to go out with him tonight and I agreed. After all the drama that went on today, Wade told me everything about Nicole. How she went behind his back and slept with his best friend and then when his best friend left her she came back to Wade but he found out and broke up with her. Till now, she doesn't want to accept the fact that they are no more together.

After talking in school, I told Wade to drop me of at my place so atleast I could look for what to wear and take a shower. I knew if I got home any hour later, I wouldn't be able to get ready by seven thirty . I got home, but my parents weren't back from work yet so I just went up to my room to drop my bag and charge my phone. Then I opened my closet and begun my search for something casual but beautiful. For thirty minutes I have been looking and I still did not know what to wear.


Maybe I could take the shower and come back to look for the dress. Running to the bathroom, I turned on the heater and waited for the water to get warmer. I got all my cleansers and cleared my face, then I brushed my teeth to give it the minty smell. The water was hot now so I jumped into the tub and rinsed myself. Clearing all thoughts, relaxing myself from all the stress.

I got out and rapped the towel around me then went back to the closet . I found what I wanted to wear. It was a knee level dress. Strapless and tight on the top and flair from the waist to the end. It was pink, with its waist belt that had diamonds on it.

It was 6:58 pm and I still did not have any makeup on. I put on some eyeliner and double quote of mascara, pink lipstick to pop out my lips and I held my hair in a high ponytail. I slipped on my silver sandals which go perfectly with my dress and I knew I was ready to go.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw someone else. The cutter version of me. I'm sure Wade will faint when he see's me. I moved my phone from the charger then grabbed my purse and put my money, perfume and power bank inside. I grabbed the house keys and shut my room door.

There was a knock on the door so I descended the staircase, left a note on the fridge telling my mom that I went out. When I opened the door, I saw a shooting star right infront of me. Wade looked sooo Wow! Even the word handsome was an understatement. He wore a white button down shirt,leaving the first two buttons open and rolling up the sleeves. He wore it with his black jeans which lay low on his waist and a pair of white sneakers. I thought I was the only one looking when I looked up and caught him smirking ," Like what you see ,baby girl??" He winks and I slap him on his shoulder to clear all the awkwardness in the air.

"You look gorgeous baby girl!" Was all that came out.

I felt a smile creep up my face and I winked at him, once again, clearing all the awkwardness.

I locked the door behind me and then we entwined our hands making our way over to Wades new car. He bought a BMW. Dayuum that car was soo sexy!

I slipped in the passengers seat and Wade sat beside me. A minute later, we were speeding on the highway.

"So where are we going to?" I asked feeling excited and nervous because I was meeting his friends.

"There is this new restaurant that opened a week ago, so we thought we would try it out!"

I nod and look out of the window as silence filled the air. It wasnt an awkward silence though, there was just nothing to talk about.

We got to our destination. I was soo dumbfounded. This place was huge, it was made of twirling class which the lights reflected different colours on. The glass was transparent enough for me to see the huge chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

We made our way inside, looking for Wades friends when we saw a hot blondy waving at us. His eyes were soo green I could spot them from a mile away. We made our way to them, sharing our hi's and how are you's. There were two guys with their girlfriends as Wade told me. There was a redhead sitting by blondy . Damn it, she was soo beautiful, enough to be miss world, and on the right was another guy with his blue eyes and cute face ,which hugged a brunette by him. She was cute as well. Had the million dollar smile, chocolate brown eyes and every other thing guys would be looking for in a girl.

We took our seat and the waitress came over to take our orders.


It was 10:36 and I thought it would be better if we left now so I told Wade and he agreed, sending me a smile. After five minutes, we said our 'byes' and left. I sat in the passengers seat so exhausted as Wade made his way to his seat too.

"This wad sooo fun!" I tell Wade.

"I'm glad you had a great time!" He looked at me with a small smile planted on his lips and then looked down at my lips, licking the side of his. This sent hot feels to my stomach and I quickly looked away so he wont notice.

"I want to take you somewhere, just the two of us!"

"Sure! Hit on it! " I say and we are already speeding out of the car park!

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