Chapter 8 - iHeart reunions!

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The bell went and I quickly run to the parking lot. The whole time I had been avoiding Wade and everyone else and I dont know what to do. What if Aubry gets angry at me? Or worse of all, Wade will think I'm a wierdo!!! Oh no! I decided to go home with my brother, Scott, since he had nothing to do.

Scott was your regular senior. He was tall, mascular , and cute. Thus was hard to say because he is my brother, but the cutness is serious so I have the guts to say it. He had blue eyes! One to melt ten billion people.Blackish brownish hair that was kind of long which sometimes covered some part of his forhead. He plays for his school football team and is actually the star quarterback! Scott and I have been close since childhood but we could 'Tom and Jerry ' around sometimes.

When I got into the car, I started telling Scott about my day and how fun school was. I also told him about Wade; how we met, how we became close and all. At the mention of Wade's name, Scott searched his mind library, then after a minute, he bounced up and said, " God Coly, that boy is freaking awesome and has a great sense of humor. I and him go for football camo together and he always tells me stories about his old life and school.

This is amazing, Scott and Wade knew each other and turns out they are really close. I'm surprised because when I used to talk to Scott about Deshon, he would always want to walk up to Deshon and beat his guts out . Then I would calm him down and change the topic. Lucky for me, my bew crush was my brothers football buddy and that gives me the advantage to be with Wade.

"Scott , can I tell you sonething? " I put my head down as I mutter words to my big brother.

"Sure you can lil sis! You know I'm always ready to hear your crazy stories, whatsup?"

"So there is this girl at school, I don't know her but she is a senior, " I begun to tell Scott as ge concentrated on both my story and the road, "She has strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, lets say about 5'2 or 5'3 ,a show off and also very popular ."

"Wait, is she a cheerleader? " Scott asked.

" How am I supposed to know? I've never seen her before "

" Okay did she call you peepskeek?" Wierd, how will Scott know that?? Well dont be stupid Coly, he is Scott Thompson, the almighty girl lover, everyone would know him.

"Yeah she did. Scott everyone uses that word,she cant be the only one!"

" Well baby sis, her name is Nicole, captain of the cheerleaders ,senior, 5'3, strawberry blonde hair, green eyes abd uses peepskweek to refer to people when she doesnt know their name!!!! " Scott gave me a wide and confident smile while he whistled to the song playing. Wow, this boy is an expert! How did he know all this information? Has he ever dated her before and not told me?

" Whoah bro go slow and tell me how you know soo much about her."

" Well lil sis, she and I have never even met. I've just seen some pictures of her with Wade abd stuff! "

Did he just say she and Wade? "And what does she and Wade have?"

"You mean had. They were together before some long shit went on, didn't really get it when Wade was telling me. "

So now I know why 'Nicole ' was telling me to back off. She was Waded ex-girlfriend and I'm sure she thinks I'm stealing Wade.

We got home and I run up to my room leaving Scott in the hall. Just then Aun calls. What am I going to tell her? Oh my gosh! As I shut my door, I sat on my bed and answered the call.

"Hey Aub, sup??" I greated with a shaky voice.

"Really Coly Really??? I have been looking for you all day today and I couldn't find you, I even went to Wade and he said he aslo hadn't seen you after you left him. Were did you go? Did someone kidnap you ?" I could feel Aubry hesitating on the other end of the call .

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