Chapter 6- The Challenge Begins

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As my bestfriend and I walked to our class, I told her about my ride home with Wade, how we were open to each other and the rap he wrote for me. "You lucky fool, there is finally someone that you just met and is already falling for you. When I first met the guy I like, we were in class and he seemed like a piss off, it's only in January I started liking him."

"Aub, he isn't falling for me. Why would he when he can go out with someone his age and prettier than I am? And we may never know, we might end up as enemies or just friends!" I told my best friend.

We got to class and settled. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Honestly I kinda agree with Aub in a way. No boy has ever done that for me, to write a rap the same day we met and then flirt with me and compliment me. Wade was the first guy!

There was a sudden knock on the door which brought me out of daydreaming. Walking in was a guy with all confidence and pride and he was in every girls amazing dreams!!!Right then I felt warmth rush up my cheeks!

Wade was standing infront of the class talking to Mr.Alan. It seemed like something important abd you could see it on their faces. What could they be talking about? Was something wrong? Just then Wade shool Mr,Alan's hand and when he was going out, Aub tapped my back but I was too busy starring. He waved to the jocks at the back of the class and then when he caught me in the middle, he waved and winked then smirked; ignoring all the other gurls trying to wave. After he left, you could hear all the girls whispering to each other, and I was still blushing.

I looked back at Aubry and she passed me a smile and thumbs up. "Okay everyone, quiet and lets move on with the lesson." Mr Alan turned back and continued to write on the board. When the bell went, Aub went to Lewis (her crush ) so I was alone.

"Mind if I walk with you?" A voice from behind startled me and when I turned I was facing Wade.

"Why sure you can. " I replied with a smile and Wade and I walked off. We went to sit on a bench by this tree and then spoke about our day so far, how lessons were and stuff.

"Where is your bff?" Wade asked unexpextedly.

"Urm she is with some friends, probably with her crush."

" We have science together and we are partners. "

"Wait...juniors and seniors have science together?" Omg if this was true I would literally scream.

"Oh no, you got me wrong there. We have after school lessons and like there are a bunch of students with us soo yeah I and her work together."

Now my hopes are low! I would have had science!

"That's cool! So you take science because you lack in it? Because I know Aub is nit the best when it comes to science!"

" You can say that," he mumbled putting his head low.

"Oh I want to give you something." I looked at him after taking a sip from my juice box and he was getting something from his bag, then he handed over a CD. I was confused for a minute, why did he give this to me???

" Urmmm?!?!" I looked at him having no idea what was going on at the moment.

" This is a CD of all my songs and raps, it also has some few crazy videos with my friends, one has my ex in it; it was a video I took when she wad trying to rap like me and yeah all these things. " A smile grew on his.

" Ooo..thats nice, I'll check it out today! "

There was alot more to him than just a football player thats looking for fun. He wants to be around people his type, crazy fun people. He doesn't have time for people to use him around, so far as he wanted to do something, he does it and that was the best about him!

" Hey I have cheerleading practice so I gotta go." I put the CD in my bag and was about to walk away when he tagged along and said he would walk me there. When we reached, he waved at some girls and Tarine too. It did not surprise me because he plays football so he is close to the cheerleaders. He gave me a thumbs up and went to sit on the bleachers as I got ready to practice. I had to learn how to do a cartwheel and then I combine all what I have done so far. It was kind of easy to do the cartwheel because all I had to learn to do was stay in the air less before I drop.


An hour passed and I finally took a break to regain some energy. I was soo surprised when I saw Wade clapping as he made his way to me. I thought he might have got boredor tired and left.

"Wow! I have to be honest, you are amazing!"

Awww he thinks I'm amazing!!!!

"Thanks! The cartwheel was easy, I just had to learn how to come down faster. The one that freaked me out was rolercoasters! I thought I wad going to die for a minute but when I got back down, I was proud of myself. "

For rolercoasters, they throw you in the air and you have to soin in the air and get back on ground without falling. Out of the eight times we went over it, I only fell once.


After practice was over, I changed back to my clothes and went to Wade to see where we were heading to next. He told me he wanted me to meet some of his friends and so friends we met!

They were sooo cool! His best friend was called Jameson, his close/childhood friend was called Liam and one of his buds from football camp was called Albert. The were crazy, fun and they fool alot. They sung and rapped, they played football and they were hawt! After all the fun we had,talking and getting to know each other better, I decided to go back to class in time not to miss anything so I said my byes to them all and left. Wade wanted to come along but I saw that he was having fun so I decided it will be better if he hung out with hus friends and they fooled like normal.


I was standing by my locker talking to some friends and when I was done, I grabbed some books and left . Out of the blues, a random senior just stops me for no reason. She has strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and was hot enough to make anyone melt, oh and she was snobby!

"Excuse me?!?!" I looked at her not knowing what she was doing.

" Okay peepskweek, I saw you with Wade today and I did not like that at all . I wonder why he even walks with you, I mean its not like you are hot or something!"

"WHAT?! Look Girl!!! First of all , do not call me peepskweek because thats not what is written on my birth certificate and second of all who are you to tell me what to do???Now have some sense and BACKOFF!" I also gave her attitude just like she gave me .

Then she threatens me by telling me to back away from Wade because he is hers!

With one flip of that hair, the girl was gone leaving me to drown in my thoughts. There were soo many questions .. Who the heck that was? Where did she come from? What did she have going on with Wade? It was sooo confusing. I couldn't concentrate during Bio class . Instead, the mystwry girls words kept coming back to me. The lesso was over and I came out of the class ,walking to my locker . Thats when I see Wade alone and walking in my direction and then the speech played in my mind!

Damn you memory!

I just turned my direction and walked away, making eye contact with no one but the ground. Whi could she be? And what relation did she have with Wade!.


Hi my wonderful readers!! How have y'all been?? Just wanted to make sure that you guys liked this book and all my characters too. There is more drama coming in the future so buckle your seatbelts cause its gonna be a loong ride. I'm sorry about the delay though. Its just that I'm busy at home and I am fasting but get all hopes up because its over so there will be mire chapters. What do you think about Wade and Coly?? And the mysterious girl!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I will be expecting more reads and votes. One last thing, can anybody help me out with a trailer? If you can ,please message me. I love you all sooo much so do not forget to read, vote and comment!!!

Lots of love

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