Chapter 9 - It was over a decade ago!

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After I finished with my homework, I packed my books away and took my phone to set my alarm and see if I had any notifications. Coly had replied back to my message. It was 1 am right now so I bet she would be asleep by now. Maybe I'll see her tomorrow.

This girl has gotten under my skin and into my head. Lately I have been dreaming about her and sometimes when she isn't around, I feel so lonely . She always keeps me company, makes me laugh nonstop!


It us a whole different world when I am with her. I would make sure she was safe and protected like she was my baby.I would literally loose my mind if something happens to her. I swear if anyone touches a hair on her body, I will kill them! She is my Coly, my diamond!

Having a flashback of today, I remember Nicole and Coly having a little chat which kind of put Coly in confusion at the end. If Nicole told her something rude and I find out she is going to be the meat I will give to my dogs for dinner. Nicole and I broke up months before I came here. There were some misunderstandings and stupidity. I knew she was always going to stab me in the back in the end, but I gave her a chance. I let her in and she used me like a play toy. She played with me till she was bored, then she trashed my heart. But did she ever know life was unfair and if you bounce a ball to me, I surely will would love to bounce back. I swear that girl was going to suffer in life. I barely think she will make it anywhere in life.

It was getting late and I decided that it will be better if I left this case for tomorrow and had some sleep right now because I needed it badly. Tomorrow , I have to talk to Nicole. Maybe dig some since into her and tell her to stay away from Coly. Then I will go to Coly and tell her everything that happened between Nicole and I in the past.

Although I really want to take Coly out. Some of my friends and I are meeting up at 8:30 pm and they are all bringing their girlfriends. Maybe I could ask Coly to come with me. It will be fun. Then later on, we can go to the beach and ditto in the sand and talk. I would love that, I'm sure she would too. I reach for my night stand and turn it off.


I woke up to my alarm making its stupid buzzing noise. It was 8:45am and I decided to get up now. I walked to the bathroom , brushed, took a shower, then I finished and put on some clothes, grabbed my backpack and my phone ,then run down. The smell of pancakes and milk enchanted and charmed my nose and stomach. It was the perfect hands of my mother preparing my breakfast. I reached were she was and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then I quickly run to the kitchen island were five pancakes with maple syrup all over it were put in a round plate. I grabbed a fork and quickly stuff the pancakes in my mouth. Once I was done, I fished for my car keys and left the house. I settled for a while, taking a deep breath. Then I released and sparked the car, making my way out of the house.

Wgen I got to school, the lot was full but when I scanned once more , I found a spot . I quickly parked my car and got down before lessons begun. It was 9:50 am and I knew there was no more time for me to catch up with Coly before her class started. I bet she was already in class looking at Dylan O'brien pictures or something. Seriously, what does she see in that dude. Gosh! Girls and their wierd tastes in boys. A low laugh escaped my lips at the thought of Coly rumbling on and on about that dude. It wad cute. I got to class and took my seat before the teacher came in.

Just then, something struck me. I turned my head to look back and there I saw Nicole chewing on hew gum, giving me cocky looks as she tapped her freshly manicured nails on the desk. It was wierd at first but then my plan was to make her a life a living hell, so I gave her a cocky grin and looked foward paying attention to the class going on. After 10 minutes a note was passed on to me.

' I spoke to her yesterday. She is not
that bad but I never knew you would
have a bad taste after we left each
other. Poor Wade. Lets just say this
year is going to be a blast.
Love, Nicki! '

I quickly crampled the paper and clenched my jaws. This girl was the devil itself not the devils helper. The thing that confused me is, WHEN THE HELL did she even attend Pittsburgh???????

Gosh!! Life is so unfair!

After the lesson was over, I knew I was done for the day. I quickly begun walking towards the parking lot where Nicole stood with a bunch of friends.

"We need to talk right now!" I did not even wait for her to talk, I took her by the hand till we were out of sight from the other students.

"Leave me alone you bastard! What the hell is wrong with you?" Nicole shouted, trying to get away from my grip.

" You want to know whats going on? Fine, I'll tell you! You want to destroy my life but I wont let you OKAY! First you cheated on me , then you follow me here, now you want to spoil my life? What's your deal huh?? TELL ME!!! " I threw my hands in the air, yelling and screaming at that monster infront of me. Hell I was soo angry!

" Well, well! I see all this crap and rumbling is for Cinderella , isn't it ? Look Wade, I dont know what you are talking about. Besides, I just told her to stay away from you and thats it. Nothing more, nothing less. " She paused and continued, " The chat was fun though! Goodluck getting back in track with her!"

My hand immediately collided with Nicoles face and then she was in total shock. It was written all over her face . I know that what I did was a cowardice move but I did not care. She had just ticked my last nerve.

"BULLSHIT! All what you are saying is crap. If I ever see you or hear you hurt Coly ,you would regret the day your mon entered that emergency room to bring you to life!"

" Wade , all I want is an 'us' , Coly doesnt deserve you. She needs someone lower than you. But you and I, we are perfect together!"

" Nicole, understand, it was over a decade ago! Move on! "

I let go of her and then she just looked at my face, gave me this pitty look and walkd away. I had to go to Coly now to tell her everything before Nicole makes her next move.

Yaaay to double update!!! Chapter 10 is out people so there is no need for you to wait! Hope you enjoy it!

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