Chapter 10 - I believe you..

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Hey people!!! So this is another chapter and I hope you all enjoy it!! The song for this chapter is Where are you now by Justin Bieber! It really matches this chapter though. Enjooy all the Wolette times and know that there will be alot more in the next chapters! Dont forget to vote and comment. It will really help me write more!! I love you all!



I got to Colettes class but she wasn't in there. Aubry was sitting there and the teacher had already begun teaching, but Coly wasn't in her seat. Where could she be? She was alway in the library or in class.

I knocked lightly on the door and was welcomed in by Mr. Bryan. He gave me a warm smile as I greeted him. Then I asked him if he had seen Colette. His answer did not please me, then I told him I was going to ask Aubry.

"Have you seen her?" I whispered to Aubry with worry in my voice.

"More like has she seen you! She has been looking everywhere for you. Even sent me a text five minutes ago that she wont come back to class if she doesn't find you."
Colette actually skipped class to look for me? Wow! I was speechless. I did not reply Aubry, I simply made my way out of the class with a smile on my face.

My smile got wider. It was an ear-to-ear smile. I stopped in my tracks. She was sitting on the floor by her locker, head dug in her legs. I felt heaven come down to Earth! She was sitting all alone on the ground. She couldn't find me and now worry was written all over her face. She was at the far end of the hallway. All I wanted to do was run to her and keep her safe between my arms.

After five minutes of just staring at Coly, she looked up and saw me. A grand smile grew on her face as she got up. We were across each other, only space separating us. She started running in my direction and I also run to her then as soon as we collide she fell in my arms. She gave me a tight hug, one that expresses many emotions. I gripped her tight, not wanting her to leave me, kissing her hair, taking in her smell and I finally felt comfort. I forgot about everything around me. Like she was the only thing in my life.

She pulled back after a while and looked into my eyes, then her face fell. Would it be right if I told her now? The earlier , the better! She looked back at my face, I looked down at her then, "I need to tell you something," we said in unison. We both burst out laughing because that was funny.

"You can go first." She told me.

"No you can talk first," I replied back.

"Oh no mine can wait." She quarrelled.

"Ladies first! " I winked.

"I'm not a lady, I'm kind of tomboyish!"

Really! Are we going to keep acting like children?

"It's alright, I'll go first! " I gave up.

"Okay, I'm listening. " She gave me her full attention now. I was nervous. Not knowing were to start or even HOW to start.

"How do I start? Okay! So I told you I had a girlfriend and we broke up before I came here. Funny thing is, she is new here ." I was sooo nervous, so scared. I did not want to say anything that will make Coly go away. I was tensed, then I got a panic attack.
"Wade, are you okay?" Coly asked soo worried, " Wadr answer me! Here inhale." She brought out my inhaler from my bag and gave it to me so I would feel better and after few minutes, I did feel better.

"Sorry! I gave you quiet a scare-" I appologized.

"You should be mister!" She half yelled, a tear falling from her eyes. I cupped her cheek and used my thumb to wipe the tear away.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, I'm fine,I'm fine." I told her as I comfirt her. After all that drama on the floor, she got up and also helped me up. The bell was about to ring and I thought since we were done, we could go sit outside and talk . She agreed, so she spoke to Aub and then we left.

"Wade, Nicole spoke to me. Yesterday I was by my locker and then she walked over to me then told me to stay away from you. After that she left. There were soo many things running through my mind."

" Colette! Stop! Its okay, I saw her talk to you and I spoke to her today and warned her never to come close to you. Trust me, she wont. Everything is over between us okay. We aren't together anymore." I told her, finally spilling it all out. I felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulder. It felt good!

"Wade, I believe in you! " she gave me a reassuring smile and that relaxed me.

We were done with this Nicole topic. I now wanted to ask her if she would go with me tonight.

"Coly,I'm going out with my friends tonight,"


" They are all bringing their girlfriends. I did not have anyone to go with so I thought I could ask you if you wanted to come with me? Its a casual dinner and maybe after that, we could go sit at the beach? What do you think?"

"Sure, I would love to! "

"Yaaay!" I squeled. I was soo excited!

"OMG Wade, you're a man ,not a girl!" Colette laughed and I knew then that she was going to be the one I will end up with, because my feelings for Colette just got stronger!


Oooolala!!! I see someone has finally admitted their feelings. Lets see when number two admits hers! So this is the tenth chapter for you all. Yaaay for double update !!I have to say, the next chapters will be more dramatic and more action and more lovey-dovey so stay tuned. Dont forget to vote, comment and enjoy! Team #Wolette for life!!!!

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