Chapter 3- Introduction

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The bell went and the day was over. Time went by soo slow today and it was soo boring. When I got out of the school, one cheerleader that has been helping me with practice waved and so I decided it will be nice to say hi and talk for a while. Besides, I was in no rush.

" Hi Tarine."

" Hi Lottie... how are you?" She got up and gave me a hug.

" I' ve been good, how about you?" I asked back, " I've never been better! "

Its good to know that not all cheerleaders are annoying like in books and movies . Tarine was actually a really calm and caring cheerleader. It has been two days since we met at practice and now she will be helping me practice for the final exam.

" Well, I just passed by to say hi and see you at rehearsal tomorrow! " We shared our good byes and then I made my way to my friends who were sitting on the lawn.

" Cora baby...I miss you girl!" Cora was my friend since the fourth grade and like we kind of grew up with each other and stuff.. so there is a lot in common.

"Colletteeeeee! You brat, you knew I was in London and you did not come and visit while you were tjere too. I was really bumbed out when I heard that you were in London but didn't visit and sorry too though...about you know-"

"Awwww haha well you see my grand mother was kind of sick so I was with her mostly and the family too , plus I didn't know you were in London till my last week there. "

" Ohh okay. Well help me up I wanna talk to you !" I pulled her up and we left the squad behind while Cora told me what she wanted to say.

" heard about Wade right?" She asked.

" Yeah I have.. girl he is fine!" Cora begun to laugh and I couldn't help but blush.

" So what about him?"

" Well, Samantha has been going on and on about her friends and when she mentioned you and Deshon he got interested because he knew Deshon and stuff like that."

Way to blow it Samantha! Now it will be wierd talking to Wade if we became friends.
" Collete I'd like you to meet my friend Wade! He is a nice person and has a kind heart so dont be thinking if it is right to talk to him or not!"

Wow Cora..that wasn't really important to spill!!Certain things you dont say!

" Ouch Cora..Out of all the words there is in this universe, you only used nice?? What happened? Where did the love ever go wrong?" He looked up at Cora and pouted his lips.

" Hahahahahahahaha! Love?! Hehehe Wade there was no love! Now get your ass up!" Cora boasted! I swear they were like Tom&Jerry!

Wade was actually fun. The way he spike and interacted with Cora and the way he spoke. I saw that he wasn't the type that shows off. He was really cool!

"Hii.. I'm Wade! Sam and Cora have told me soo much about you." That! His voice was soo dreamy! He offered his hand for me to shake. I let my hand out into his and spoke back. The words couldn't come out but I had to say something.

" That's interesting! I'm Collete by the way, but you can call me Coly for short!"

Well play Coly,well play!

I was proud of myself, how I did not break down into wierdo mode. Well I had a good feeling about Wade and my future. Now that we spoke , I know for sure we are going to be real close.

After the short introduction, Cora, Wade and I sat down together and were talking. We spoke about his old school, why he moved to Pittsburg High?? He and Deshon; this topic was the most interesting though!

He and Deshon where middle school mates, they actually met at a party and si ce then they became close and they recently met and Deshon told him that he might ge coming here.


" Yeah.. he told me that he might start Pittsburg in like two weeks. It's gonna be hard for you isn't it?" At the moment, I didn't really catch up with what Wade was saying. He was a really cool guy. It's not even been an hour since we became friends and then we are already talking about life and Deshon and struggle.

It was almist 4:30 pm and I decided it's better to leave now than later. That is when I realised that my mom dropped me off this morning so I had no ride and also I wasn't going to any friends house today so I cant go with Sam or Cora.

" Wade it was really nice meeting you and hope to see you tomorrow. " I told him the truth as I passed a smile. I really enjoyed our chat.

" It's my pleasure! " he got up to give me a goodbye hug and when he did, I felt like passing out on the spot!

I gave Cora a hug and then I left to the car park. When I called my mom, she did nit answer. I run back to Cora and asked if she could give me a ride home when her mom comes but it got bad when she told me she was going to her aunties house which was a block away because her mom wasn't in the country.

"I could give you a ride." I heard Wade from the back.

"Are you sure? Dont want to hang out with your friends? " I wasn't really trying to be clichè but what if he just felt sorry for me thats why he offered?

Oh my geez!

"I'm even soo tired to stay longer, it's no problem dropping you off before I go home! Besides, I dont bite and it'll be a fun ride !" He gave me a goofy smile . I couldnt let him down after such a kind offer so I simoly nod and we walked to the car.

Some jocks came by as we were walking and they just jumped on him and did that boy shake. They spoke for some few minutes, passing me looks. Winking here , smirking there. I just looked at the ground and I think he saw me because he gave me this ' you-look-soo-cute-when-you-are-nervous!' Finally we reached the car and I was soi happy. Almost 10 people stopped us to talk to Wade. I got into his 4x4 and then away we drove. This was gonna be an interesting ride!


A/N: Hey lovelies!!!Hope you like this chapter and what do you think about Wade?? Picture of Luke Brooks as Wade Brook!!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter !! Dont forget to comment, vote and mostly enjoy!!!


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