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It had only been a little over a week after Fleetwood Mac had wrapped up their second leg of the tour in Europe. Now, over three months were ahead of them, before the whole group would gather again to finish On With The Show in Australia. Tears were shed, getting on separate planes from Dublin to various locations, where each member called it their home. Christine's trip was the shortest of course as she returned to London, Mick and John flew back to Maui, which left Stevie and Lindsey, together going back to Los Angeles. They remembered some of the funny moments or some that simply made them smile and happy, they talked almost the whole time they were up in the air, which wasn't unusual nowadays. The two had resolved the majority of their issues, finally being able to be friends and they were, if asked, they strongly believed one would even could call the other their best friend. Lindsey also managed to get Stevie to agree to give him something to work on during their break too, which was a massive step, since she had been so hesitant about it.

He promised to give her some time to relax, when she got home and then he would come over and she would hand him her simple, rough piano demos. Lindsey called before driving over to see Stevie and she informed him that he should be driving to her new Malibu house. He wondered why she owned so many properties and bought another one, when she only ever stayed in her beloved condo. She had bought such a beautiful mansion to basically turn it into a studio. Recording Soldier's Angel was the only time Lindsey had been in that house.

Stevie told Lindsey not to ring the bell and invite himself in, so that was what he did. He walked inside, taking off his sunglasses and looked around. It was so bright and almost empty. Stevie was also nowhere to be seen, Sulamith being the first to greet him.

"Where's that mistress of yours?" Lindsey talked to the dog. "Stevie? Steph! Where in the hell are you hiding, Nicks?"

"Upstairs!" She yelled, then quickly added. "But don't you dare think about coming up here!"

"Why not?"

"I'm not... I'll be right there with you."

"Are you naked? Because if you are, then I'm coming up."

"To see what? Sagging tits and cellulites on my thighs?"

"Hey, don't talk about your tits that way! They look damn fine."

"You haven't seen them in a while."

"Couple of weeks ago? By accident, when I walked into your dressing room without knocking?"


"Naturally." Lindsey shrugged, smirking to himself.

Their conversation from the hallway to the bedroom was over, when Stevie finally joined Lindsey, seeing as he was desperately trying not to laugh. "What?"

"You look..."

"How do I look?" She demanded, placing a hand on her hip.

She had her hair in a bun right on top of her head, her loose top was inside out and her leggings were hanging lower than they should have been, barefoot, paint on her face giving her look the finishing touch.

"Ridiculous, but oddly adorable too."

"Nice save, Buckingham."

"What are you doing up there?"

"Everything! Currently painting a wall."

"Why are you doing it yourself? You do know that you have enough money to pay a couple of workers to do it?"

"I know, but I'm doing it myself because it's a lot of fun and I have nothing better to do."

"Don't get mad, but how do you reach the top?"

She rolled her eyes, having expected that question. "Karen bought this long thing that you insert the rolling brush thingy in and I don't even have to get on my tiptoes."

"You have a thing, that you insert another thing in. Right, got it." He mocked.

"Oh fuck you." Lindsey laughed, following her to where they could take a seat. "You don't have much of my time, by the way, so make it count."


"Yes. I must finish painting, I have to take a quick shower, then Karen is taking me to a nail appointment, I have to get back to my condo, for some clothes, because I have a date tonight."

"Wait, rewind." Lindsey frowned. "A date?"

"Yeah, don't look so surprised. You said it yourself, my tits still look fine. I might be old, but I'm not dead."

"So, you're hoping to have a one night stand?"

"No, I've been out with the guy numerous times, but because we were in Europe, I haven't seen him all that time, so I promised to meet him tonight."

"Who is he? Why don't I know about him?"

"Why should you know about him?"

"Because I care about you and I don't want some asshole to fuck around with you and then leave."

"Like you did?" It just slipped out... "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Actually, Jeremy is a nice enough guy, I have a great time with him always. He's better than no one, Lindsey. He comes over, brings me flowers, takes me out, then eats me out, we cuddle and then say goodbye."

"Eats you out?! Steph, really?"

She started laughing and shrugged. "I knew that would wind you up. Although, he's pretty good at that."

"It doesn't matter that you and I aren't together, I really don't like any guys eating you out." Lindsey pouted, only half faking it.

"Jesus, will you let it go?"

"Fine." He sighed, petting Sulamith, as she jumped onto his lap. "Hey, why don't you bring him over for dinner at our place tonight?"

"Huh? Are you mad?"

"Why? What's wrong with that? I want to get to know him, this Jonathan."

"Jeremy." She corrected, knowing perfectly well he messed the name up on purpose. "I really am not sure about this, Lindsey. He's not my boyfriend or anything."

"From what I understand you've been seeing him for some time, so it can't just be nothing." He knew she wasn't going to be completely honest about it, so he wanted to see it for himself.

"Is Kristen going to be okay with this?"

"Sure, she asked when we all could meet up anyway. And our girls should be home, they've missed you."

"Hmm... Well, I'll give Jeremy a call and then get back to you, deal?"

"Deal." Lindsey nodded, knowing Stevie was still weighing up the decision. "So, where are those tapes you're supposed to give me?"


I started another story, because I have so many ideas and I don't want to rush my other story and end it poorly. This shouldn't be very long, at least it isn't yet in my head. Hope you like it!

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