Chapter 19 Two Points Converging With A Bang!

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    Sam Tyler slowly rose up too a sitting position looking around a tad shakily  trying too get her bearings. Her last lucid memory she remembered was being thrown around the inside of a chopper which was about too come too a abrupt halt before running out of very needed open flight path. She found herself in a totally white room the walls the floor as well as every stick of furniture Sam could see was stock white. Sam looked herself over looking  quickly checking  every square inch of her body for any broken bones or missing appendages.  Sam didn't find anything out of place or missing all together which was a huge relief. Sam almost jumped up out of the bed she found herself sitting in when a form appeared in front of Sam from out of the white brightness. Sam didn't notice the figure at first but then she could make out that someone was standing there with its back too her.  Sam  took quick stock of whoever was standing with their back too Sam decked out in a white suit with matching shoes. The body frame from the back showed the figure too be stocky in build. The back of the head showed tightly cropped salty brown hair. A sound seemed too draw the figure's attention making it turn around too face Sam Tyler.

A smiling rather nicely chiseled face looked back at her with a tightly trimmed mustache and beard which also was salt and pepper in color as well. Sam was surprise by the gold steel rimmed glasses and the clear bright green eyes behind them. "Hello There!" a  gentle voice sounded the bright smile on his face never wavering. A sudden thought flashed into Sam's head which she wasn't fond of thinking of right at the moment.  Her brain which cleared up enough too remember what had happened previously was running the game tapes from when Sam and the rest of the Blackthorne team rode the chopper too the ground as it dropped out of the air. " Am I dead?" Sam stated flatly her train of thought running along with the whole white theme that she was looking at.

   A soft chuckle sounded again as the figure in white shook his head. "No Ma'am. You are far from dead my Dear." The white figure held out a right hand towards Sam which she took reluctantly at first. The white clad figure's hand was warm and strong as he helped Sam out of the hospital bed too her feet. Up closer too him Sam Tyler could see more  facial details of the man in whites. He had a kind face that looked like it smiled the majority of the time at whomever he was looking at.

 Sam steadied herself and the man in white didn't release Sam's had till he too was sure she could stand up on her own. Sam looked over the figure a great deal more closely this time around. Another thought shot into Sam's brain which light her eyes up in recognition.  "Are you the Blackthorne that I have heard so much about from the rest of the team?" Sam asked as her mind struggled too pull a picture of the smiling face that was looking calmly back at her.

   "Yes ma'am," the figure in white replied. "My last name is Blackthorne. But that is all things we can cover at a later date." Blackthorne weaved a hand for Sam Tyler too follow him along as they started walking out of the med room.

   The white all around them seemed to stretched on either side of them as far as you could see not showing any details of exactly where the Hell they were at. But Sam could only assumed that they were most likely at Blackthorne's headquarters back there in Charlotte, N.C. As more of her memory came back Sam was fairly certain they had not crashed in the helicopter. Kiran Lively had flown the chopper like no other pilot could possibly have flown in their life. Sam was quite sure that if Kiran had not been flying the chopper she would indeed be in the hereafter where ever that place may be. That would be the only thing that made since too Sam but she would have expected too see at least one membert of her team close by somewhere at hand. 

" Sam Tyler, do you prefer Samatha or Sam?" Blackthorne asked as they moved down a nondescript hallway. "Sam is fine but where are the rest of the team?" Sam's danger bells were beginning too sound off in her head. Something about this little impromptu meeting with the Big Wig of the Blackthorne Group wasn't feeling right too Sam.

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