Project Blackthorne

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Samatha Tyler moved her team carefully in pairs of two on foot down a alley one of many they would be moving down as this night progressed. Her point man Willis a medium size Texan was leading the way a good twenty steps ahead of the unit moving from the edge of one dust covered building too another in silent swift movements. He kept to the shadows melting into the darkness watching for anything or anyone to move. Willis had a single night vision scope built onto the scope of his sniper rifle too help him see in any dark corners. So far Willis had not seen any human shaped movements what so ever other than a stray dog or cat scurrying out of the darker corners. It was close too 23:50 military time which was around 11:30 pm but Willis would have bet against a royal flush that someone would be moving around in the close quarters of this part of the city they were operating in. Kyles a tall square built youth from South Carolina was bringing up the rear with the heavy support weapon covering all of their collective asses. The S.A.W or Squad Support Weapon M249 was a mean piece of deadly engineering which could dump a heavy load of 5.56 mm rounds at a soon too be out gunned enemy. Kyles had ran into a cat running across their back path after they went by nearly scattering the fur ball into confetti. He snorted a quick chuckle but quickly got back too the moment at hand. But Samatha Tyler the commander of this little extraction team was impressed at Kyles resolve not too blast the animal. Her entire team was so young and green but she had worked them hard too make them into a good cohesive operating unit. The four other members of the team were in a box formation around Samatha as they made their way to the prearranged meeting point. On any other given night usually around this time normally meant the city should have been teaming with people moving back and forth conversing and laughing ,Hell even yelling back and forth at one another. But for the past half hour the team had not passed a single soul whether they were crossing streets or down any alley. It was like the townspeople knew something that the team did not get the memo for. The emptiness along side with the imposing darkness gave every member of the team bad vibes which kept everyone involved on edge as well as their collective toes. Sam had her very own reservations about this mission from the moment when it was dropped unceremoniously into her lap.

Only a few hours earlier her commander a West Point graduate no less one Colonel Willis Myers had the unmitigated Gaul too tell her in an usually cheery voice, "This will be a cake walk in the park for you.""Famous last fucking word's." Sam said under her breath too herself. Something was off with this meeting Sam feeling strongly that she was being fed a load of manure. This meeting made Sam feel like a rubber sex doll without any lubricant or at the very least a peak on the neck before trying too deflower Samatha's virtue." Sam said the last part totally in her head while she kept giving Myers her full attention.

In the cramped operations room Samantha Tyler and Colonel Willis were the only people in the normally teaming with action twenty four seven. The lack of anyone being in the operations room was one of many warning lights Samantha would see before this mission even had a chance too start. Willis explanation for no one else being involved in the planning was for the operation itself as for what he was handing her was a deep Black op. "You and your team will go out the Alpha entrance at 2100 hours exactly. Make you way on foot sixty clicks out to the outskirts of this sandy freaking hole of a town. Answar and several of his terrorist team are supposed to be meeting in this very building." Myers pointed out the exact building from the satellite map a subordinate had already laid out on the table between them.

"We will be having air support from at least a Blackhawk chopper or at the very least a freaking drone right ,Sir?" Sam asked hopefully but already fearing that she knew the answer.

"Negative." Myers said sharply shaking his head negative. "This mission you and your team will be going in cold up too a point. But I can tell you that in this building here." Myers pointed too a blocky building about two buildings down from their objective. "A Seal Team which went in hours earlier will already have eyes on your objective. They will keep you informed till you reach the hidey hole. You will reach them via satellite phone." Myers nodded which was suppose too mean too Sam that was all she would ever need too know. He handed her a file folder which had the Seal Teams location and the number they could be reached by satellite phone. "Well why in the name of Hades isn't the Seal Team taking point and grabbing these combatant's? If they are already on site anyway?" Colonel Myers eyed Captain Tyler a look of stern reproach in his eyes. "Captain, I am handing you an assignment that can further your career in ways your father would be proud of." Samatha wanted too shove those silver eagle colonel bars down his stupid throat for mentioning her father in all this. She would not have been surprised in the least if this mission didn't have her father's ear marks on it somewhere somehow. Samatha Tyler being the ever dutiful soldier she was decided too take the crap Colonel Willis Myers was handing her and going too make chicken salad out of it.

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