Scene 090

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Scene 090

"Greetings, Amy," said Kronk. He looked around a panel to see who had left the lift.

"Hun. Oh, yeah. Greetings, Kronk," said Amy. She walked past Kronk, then turned back around to face him. "Did you know? Dam is the Ruler of this Planet."

"Yes." Kronk held up his hand. "Now, before you blow at me, you need to know the standing order was not to inform you unless you asked."

"Order. Now, I know I am blaming the correct person for this mess. Thanks," said Amy. She struck off for the cargo bay.

Amy took up the position for meditation on the exercise mats after entering the cargo bay. She took several deep breaths trying to center herself. The scene on the bridge kept playing in her head, keeping her from obtaining her center. It kept playing over and over again . . .

After the Council of Six's greeting, Amy turned to look at Dam. She saw the look of guilt on his face. She glanced at everyone else. They all had the same look upon their faces. Amy turned, ran for the lift, and headed straight to her room. Dam joined her a few minutes later with Lubin.

"This isn't working," said Amy. She jumped to her feet and began to pace. "Why couldn't they have told me?"

"Do you remember when I told you? We did not want to give you more information that you wanted to know?" asked Cat. "You did not ask who your mate was so we figured you did not want to know. You never once asked what Dam did for a living."

"This is a piece of information I needed to know." Amy growled and kicked a pile of blankets.

"The decision was made while you kept saying we had made a mistake and we had picked the wrong person. Your level of confidence was low. Do you really think I should have announced it at the time? 'By the way your mate whom you think we have made a mistake about is the ruler of our planet.' You would have laughed yourself right off the ship," said Cat.

Amy growled. "Someone should have said something at sometime." She stopped her pacing in the middle of the room.

"I gave you all the pieces of the puzzle. You only needed to put everything together. I cannot break my orders," said Cat.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore," snapped Amy. She paced again toward the back of the bay. Amy walked into the big bay's doors. I need to get away by myself and think, she thought as she stared at the doors. Noticing a sign on the doors, Amy stepped toward the sign, and began to read the door's instructions. A hopeful light filled Amy's face and some of the tension left her body.

"What are you thinking about now?" Cat asked with concern as she monitored the changes in Amy's body.

"I'm getting out of here." Amy snapped as she started to follow the sign's instructions.

"I would not do that if I were you."

"Well you're not and thanks for reminding me. Computer, stop the alarm from sounding on this door when it opens, and shut off all speakers on the ship for 30 minutes. Starting now."

"Confirmed," said the Computer.

At the same time Cat started, "Amy, now . . . "

"All I need to do is get out and blend in with the crowd. I'll be able to find some place of my own to think," said Amy. She manually opened the big doors.

Sounds of people filled the bay as the doors completely opened. "There's someone coming out. They're going to bring her out the back way." A cry came from the crowd outside of the doors.

Once the doors were completely open, silence hit the crowd. Amy gave a tentative smile. "Sorry, I'm not the person you are waiting to see. I'm one of the crew. I've got to unload the bay here. As far as I know your ruler and his mate are going to transport in near the Council of Six." Amy watched as disappointment filled the faces of the group in front of her. They turned toward the area where the Council of Six waited. Walking down the ramp, Amy entered the crowd and soon was out of sight.

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