Scene 020A

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Scene 020A

Knowing his call was going to need privacy, Jac walked into his cabin. "Computer," called Jac, taking a seat at his desk. "Contact Dam and Beauf. Place them on a split screen." While he waited for them to answer, he tried to figure out why Amy had refused to let Turk call in the report. 

"Your parties are waiting for you," said the computer, interrupting Jac's thoughts. 

"The viewer on," called Jac. "My friends, I'm sorry if you've been worried. I meet up with something from Amy's planet that didn't quite agree with me. I've instructed the computer to send you both a full report on that happening." 

Dam and Beauf nodded their heads. "Now, as far as the attack upon the ship, here is what I know. We were attacked by Zoidiarians at nine hours and thirty minutes star-time, this morning. I think they were looking for your mate, Dam." 

"What do you mean, they were looking for my mate? She's on the ship. How could they not find her?" asked Dam, sharply. He leaned in closer to the screen. 

"She was found by a Zoidiarian. But, he thought she was a hatchling," said Jac in a soothing tone. Tension was filling his shoulders. He started to run his fingers through his hair. Realizing what he was about to do, Jac placed his hand firmly on the desk. 

"I hope; she doesn't look anything like a Zoidiarian hatchling. It would be hard to mate with her," said Beauf. His sense of humor appeared at the strangest of times. A smile flashed across his face. "Please explain." 

"From what little is known about Zoidiarians, we do know they are born all white and can't talk or communicate with anyone but their tenders," said Jac. He went on to explain what had happened in Amy's cabin that morning. He ended with, "Remember, she has only a partial translator and couldn't understand him. Let alone answer him." 

"Are you telling me, pure luck is the only thing that kept the Zoidiarian from taking Amy?" Dam growled. "Were any of the ship's defenses activated before the pirates boarded the ship?" 

Jac thought for a minute, then called, "Computer, show me the weapon's log for today." Reading the log, Jac started to swear. "Nothing. Nothing was done to keep or warn away the Zoidiarians. I wonder if this is what Amy meant by her gut not trusting Turk, to call in the report," said Jac, almost to himself. 

"You're telling me the first warning came when they blew the cargo bay?" asked Beauf sharply. "Where was Turk? This type of thing is the reason why Weapon's Specialists are required to have an implant. They are connected to the ship's computer all of the time. It is also the reason why we have a weapon's station upon each deck for easier access." He finished with a growl as his cat's ears pinned against his head. 

"I just don't know." Jac groaned and said, "I'll forward you the reports of where everyone was at the time of the attack, as well as the computer's logs." 

"Fine. I've a few things to do before my call to Amy." Dam said, his half of the viewer going blank. 

"Beauf, I'm going to take another shower, I still feel as if I'm swimming in a tub of cotton." Jac rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Wait, before you go, tell me how you felt before passing out?" inquired Beauf. 

"I felt like I hadn't slept in weeks. I couldn't fight the need to sleep," said Jac, running his fingers through his hair. "It's not something I'd want to experience again." 

Nodding his goodbye, Beauf had a thoughtful look as the viewer went black. 

Jac stood and headed to his Hygiene Room. Groaning as he entered the shower, Jac ran his fingers through his hair again. They are right, he thought. I am going to go bald before I get home. He tried not to think about anything as he stood in the shower.

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