Scene 061

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Scene 061

Jac's door chimed, he called, "Enter." The door opened and in walked Dam.

"Greetings," Dam said with a smile. As he looked at Jac, his smile changed to a frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing really, I just had the strangest night sleep," said Jac. He rubbed his head, leaning back in his chair, and raising his drink to his lips.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Dam, taking the chair across the way from Jac, his green eyes filling with concern.

"No, at least not until I work things out for myself," replied Jac. "Now, what can I do for you?"

"I thought now might be a good time to call Beauf and do some brainstorming on what to do with Turk," Dam said.

"That sounds good to me," came Jac, setting his cup down. "Computer, please tell Cat we need her."

"Cat here. What do you require?" Her presence filled the room.

"We need to contact Beauf on a very secure link. Can you do that for us?" asked Jac. Dam made a sound of agreement.

"No problem. Also, your cabin is free of listening devices. I had the sweeper programed to check for them when it came by early yesterday," came Cat.

A few moments later Beauf appeared on the viewer. "Commander Beauf here, what's up?"

"Drop the Commander. It's just us," said Dam. He chuckled. "Greetings."

Jac snorted and grumbled, "Greetings."

Beauf looking his two friends over really well. "Is everything all right there? You two act like someone switched your personalities." Beauf commented with a worried look.

"Everything's fine. I had a bad night sleep," said Jac running his hand through his hair.

"And I had a great night's sleep," said Dam with a huge grin. "As to why we called, what do we do about Turk?"

"I say we give him enough room until he corners himself and then go after him," said Beauf. "By the way I did some more checking on what you suggested, Jac." Jac looked at the viewer. "Yours and Dam's suspicions were right, Turk was in the vicinity or had just been in the vicinity."

"I think we've the culprit of our current problems," Dam said, his face filling with anger. "How do we take care of it?"

"I've been doing some thinking on this. Why don't we hurry, what I think, Turk's agenda along? I think he is trying to stop you from mating with Amy," Beauf said.

"What do you mean?" asked Jac.

"He's saying that my accidents have only accrued when I was getting ready to make plans to go and get my mate. Think about it, Jac," said Dam.

"Hum, yes, I see what you mean, but how to force Turk's hand?"

"I say we pretend to let Turk over hear you and Dam talking about Dam's mating being complete. Then we'll see what he does," explained Beauf.

"You know. It might work. I'll move into Amy's room and between myself, Cat, and Lubin, we should be able to keep her safe," said Dam. "Let's figure out how to set our trap?"

"We'll do it on the Command Center. First, we must notify Cat and tell her what we are going to do," said Jac. He went back to considering his drink.

"Are we close enough for you to track us?" Questioned Dam.

"No, but we have two cloaked ships on your course, one in front of you and one following you. That way if there is an emergency either one or both can get to you." Beauf stated, looking at Jac thoughtfully.

"OK. We'll put the plan in action in an hour. So put the ships on notice for anything," Dam said sitting back.

"Fine, you to be careful. Also, Dam keep an eye on Jac." With that Beauf disconnected the link.

"What did he mean by that?" came from Jac.

Laughing Dam said, "It's just that you seem distracted."

"I'm fine." Jac growled.

Chuckling, "If you say so." Came Dam.

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