Scene 011

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Scene 011

"Cat, I've so many questions, but I don't know where to begin," Amy said. She ordered lunch, while thinking about everything she had seen and the people she had meet. 

"Amy, the logical place to begin would be where you started your tour. How was your tour conducted? Where did it start and go from there?" Cat asked. Her tone was more of a grandmother's than of a computer's. 

"First, we started in the Medical Facility. I met Santi and was given a physical and mental exam." Amy said. She tensed up, shook her head, and took the first bite of her sandwich. 

"Do you have any questions? Either, about something you saw or were told about while in the Medical Facility?" asked Cat. 

"I was told to find myself a physical and mental exercise program. Santi said, you could give me a list of such exercises and descriptions of what they entail. Santi would probably be happy to help you with my exact needs." Amy said, finishing her lunch. "I was told I have Transporter Sickness and that my simulator will fix my imbalance." 

"Yes, Santi has already passed on the instructions to the simulator. I will contact her to ask about on the exact kind of exercise program she wants for you. Then, I will provide a list of her recommended exercises. Where did you go next?" 

"We went to the Command Center. I noticed there was the Captain's Station/Chair, the Navigator's Station, but there was a Weapon's Command Station. Is there more than one weapon station on the ship?" Amy asked, cleaning up. A small shiver ran through her as she thought of Turk. With a shake of her head, she transferred her thought to something else. She ordered a wet cloth from the simulator and began to freshen up. 

"Yes, the main station of the Weapon's system is on the upper deck of the ship. There are smaller stations on each level of the ship." Cat answered, then asked, "What are you doing? You just bathed this morning." 

"I want to feel my best, when I talk to my mate," Amy said. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, the Command Center. Do those windows close in the event of a meteor shower? Or are the windows shatter proof?" 

"All of the windows on the ship have shutters to shield them. They lower or close in an alert. Command Center's windows are included." 

Amy gave a nod. "After the Command Center, we went down to Engineering. Kronk said, he'd come by at a later time to answer any questions I've about Engineering or the Transporter Room. I know you could've answered all of my questions about both, but I'd like to talk to another person." She didn't want to hurt Cat's feelings if by some chance she had any. A feeling and ideal were beginning to take shape for her. Maybe, Cat wasn't a normal computer. 

"Are you wanting me to admit Kronk into your room when he stops by?" Questioned Cat. 

"That's correct." Amy said, but quickly added, "But, only admit him if I'm not doing something else. When is fourteen star-time hours?" 

"You have about another forty five minutes. Why do you want to know? This has been the second time you have asked since you have returned?" requested Cat. 

"My mate is going to call me then." Amy declared with some doubt. 

"That is what you meant by 'feeling my best', you want all of the courage and strength you can summon for this call." 

"Sometimes you are a real trial," Amy mumbled. Then she thought. I really needed Cat to state the obvious. "I want to look at some more of the video. Could you please continue from where we stopped?" 

"Certainly," Cat replied.  

Taking a seat, Amy watched the video continue. The video only held part of her attention, the rest was focused on the upcoming call.

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