Scene 063

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Scene 063

"Dam asked for your presence to be in Cargo Bay Six in an hour," stated the computer.

Startled Amy looked up from the viewer. Looking at the clock, she called, "Please inform Dam that I will be there." She turned to look at Lubin. "Are you hungry?"

Lubin gave a negative reply.

"OK. Well I'm going to . . . " Amy started to say.

Lubin sent a picture of her going to the door and opening it so he could leave.

"You want to go out? All right," said Amy. She walked to the door, opened it and watched Lubin roll through it. Closing the door, shrugging her shoulders, Amy went and got lunch.

Out in the hall Lubin rolled up to the lift's doors, and mental he called out. "Cat, I want to go to Cargo Bay Six."

"You want to go to Cargo Bay Six," asked Cat. "I will open the lift doors and tell Kronk to let you in, all right?"

"Yes." Lubin mentally replied. "Thanks." The lift doors opened and Lubin rolled in, down he went.

The doors opened, Lubin rolled out. "Right this way. Cat, told me what you needed done," said Kronk. He opened cargo bay six's door.

Lubin sent a happy relaxed feeling to Kronk. After he entered the room, Kronk closed the door.

In the Bay Dam was working on his exercises. "Dam," Lubin called out mentally, his face appearing out of his body.

"Hum," Dam said engrossed in his exercise.

"We need to talk." Lubin mentally purred.

"About what?" Dam asked distracted.

"What type of exercises are you going to ask Amy to preform?" asked Lubin.

Dam stopped what he was doing, it was almost like he had hit a brick wall. Turning to face Lubin he asked, "Was that you?"

"Yes," said Lubin. He began to explain to Dam about the mental exercises that Amy had been put through the last two days.

"So, right this minute you want me to just get her physically fit?" asked Dam.

"That is correct, but also I want you to try to get her to use as much of her mental energies she can in them also," purred Lubin.

"I'll need to think about this," said Dam as he went back to his exercise. Lubin pulled his head back in his body, rolling off into a corner of the room to wait for Amy, leaving Dam to his thoughts.

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