Scene 064

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Scene 064

"Greetings," said Amy. She stepped out of the lift into Engineering.

Kronk looked up from his panel. "Greetings, Amy. Lubin came through here twenty minutes ago. He is still in with Dam."

She gave Kronk a quick smile. Amy said. "OK, thanks." She went to cargo bay six, closing the door after her.

She seems to be very happy, thought Kronk. He went back to work with a smile.

Upon entering the bay, Amy saw Dam working in his daily exercises. Something is wrong with this picture. Amy thought as she continued to watch. In amazement Amy realized that Dam was doing his exercises three inches off the ground. She cleared her throat trying to get Dam's attention. She didn't want to startle him.

A smile filled Dam's face. He lowered himself to the mat. When seated on the floor, he opened his eyes, and said, "Greetings."

"Hello. What were you doing?" Questioned Amy. She took a seat across from Dam on the mats.

"I was doing my daily stretches, the next step in mine and hopefully your discipline training. Every novice is taught these simple exercises. Not only do you stretch your body, but you work your mind," he said. "You must be able to perform this simple exercise before we can move onto any other exercises." Dam watched Amy's face carefully for any reactions.

Amy looked around the bay, trying to buy some time. She spotted Lubin in the corner. "Hum," said Amy. She had a feeling that maybe Dam and Lubin had something cooked up between them. "I'll try. It is all I can say."

Smiling at her, Dam said, "Take the position for your daily stretches, then as you do them, close your eyes and think lite."

"All right," said Amy. She gave a quick look at Lubin. While she performed her stretches, Amy thought of a light bulb instead of lite weight. She knew quite well that Dam and possible Lubin wanted her to think lite like a feather.

"Now, you want to become lite," said Dam.

"Uh, hun," said Amy. She started to stretch. A light appeared around Amy with each stretch the light got brighter. "This is very hot work," said Amy. She was breaking into a sweat.

"Yes," Dam said absently. He watched in amazement as Amy glow brighter and brighter. "You're, um, doing just fine." The light filled the furthest reaches of the room.

"I don't think I'm doing this right. I can still feel the floor under me," said Amy. "I really don't feel as if I'm getting anywhere."

Lubin looked up. The light was interrupting his nap. "Enough." He mentally spoke to both Amy and Dam.

Both of Amy's eyes popped open, as they opened the bright light disappeared. "What?" She asked with an innocent look at Dam, then a look toward Lubin. "I didn't know you were here. When did you show up?"

"Hum." Lubin grumbled. He rolled in a circle and settled back into the corner.

Again she repeated. "What?" She looked at Dam with a twinkle in her eyes.

Understanding dawn upon Dam. "You did that on purpose."

"Yep. You all think you know what's best for me. Twenty four hours a day you are all at me. Change this. Fix that. No, that's wrong. Do you have any ideal how tired I am of it?" Amy said sweetly. She got up and headed to the door. The door opened even before she reached it, going through the doorway she turned back to look at Dam. "Stop pushing." The door slammed closed.

Dam looked at Lubin and asked, "Do you think we have pushed her too hard?"

A vague cloudy feeling came from Lubin.

"I don't know either. Maybe we are," said Dam. He gathered up everything and put it away for the day. "Come on Lubin, let's go and see if we can soothe some ruffled fur."

At Amy's door, Dam knocked. "May we come in?" He called. No answer came for the room.

Again Dam tried. "Amy, may we come in?" At the silence from the room, Dam called to Cat, "Is Amy in her room?"

"Yes, Amy is indeed in her room. I was just getting ready to wake her. So she could go down to do her exercises with you today," said Cat.

"What do you mean? Why do you need to wake her? She was just down in cargo bay six." Questioned Dam.

"I beg to differ. She has been here all day. When she let out Lubin was the only time she approached the door. She went back to bed. She said; she was napping a little longer. Stating, the exercise with Lubin had tired her," Cat said firmly.

"Open the door so we may enter," Said Dam.

The door to Amy's cabin opened. Dam and Lubin entered the room. Amy laid asleep on her bed. Dam walked over and shook Amy's shoulder.

Amy rolled to her side and mumbled in her sleep.

Dam shook her again. She slowly came awake. Sitting up, she looked at Dam. "I'm sorry, am I late? I didn't mean to sleep so long. Cat was going to wake me before I was due to meet you." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and pushed her hair back away from her face.

Dam and Lubin looked at each other, then to Amy, then back to each other. "No. No. Lubin and I've decided, due to Turk's absents to cancel the exercises today," said Dam.

"What do you mean, Turk has left the ship? There's no other way to leave the ship except by the transporter, is there?" Amy asked. Her face filled with worry.

"Turk took an escape pod and left the ship. He tried to eliminate all evidence of his presence on the ship before leaving," Explained Dam. He took a seat on the couch.

"Oh, I've wondered what we were suppose to do in case of an emergency." Shrugging Amy climbed out of the bed and went to sit next to Dam. "We can exercise, really? I just needed to rest up from the mental exercise I did with Lubin earlier."

Dam and Lubin looked at each other again and then back to Amy. "No, I really think we need to take a day off. Lubin and I have decided to alternate the days of your exercises."

Yawning Amy replied. "That's fine by me, would you like some thing to eat?"

"Well, um," Came Dam.

"Dam. You are needed at the Command Center," announced the computer.

Dam looked both apologetic and relieved. "I'm sorry. I must go. I'll be back later today." He left the room.

"That was certainly interesting. You would think I've just grown horns and a tail," comment Amy.

"Excuse me?" asked Cat.

"By the way Dam just treated me, one would think I've changed since the last time I saw him," said Amy. She walked to the computer viewer. "Please start up the program where we left off. Rate a little slower than normal. I just don't feel rested after my nap."

"I wonder," said Cat as she started up the viewer for Amy.

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