Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Describe the definition of heartbreak.

Baekhyun shakes his head and watches as the boy he grew up walks away from him with eyes filled with rage and anger that he can't help but curl on the very corner in between the lockers and cry until tears are nothing but air. Well, mentally that is.

Oh how he wishes for time to go back.

<< rewind

Accepting the hand of some cheeky sophomore, Baekhyun expected it to be some girl who's some kind of a matchmaking guru in the school. But then, said girl suddenly starts squealing hysterically after Min-ah whispered something in her ear. He cringed. Oh god.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" This girl, Hana, squeezed his hand tight that got him wincing despite the smile plastered on his face. "I knew there's some spark hidden between you two."

Baekhyun nervously laughs. "I-Is that so?"

"So setting aside the fangirling," Min-ah pulled Hana's hands away from the elder, making said elder male sigh in relief. "It'll be hard for me to approach Chanyeol-oppa considering the history between that... ruckus. Plus, he requested for me to steer clear from him for the meantime which is why I personally asked for Hana's help."

Baekhyun gave Min-ah a look of disbelief as if he's saying, and leave me alone with this girl?!

"I'll be there to monitor the progress so I think its okay?" Min-ah added with both eyebrows raised. That doesn't seem to make Baekhyun at ease though.

"Oh my god, are you telling me that -" Hana gasped, covering her hands on her mouth. "You're asking me t-to get you and Chanyeol-oppa t-t-to -" She gulped hard. "Together?!"

Baekhyun sighs.

"I'm telling you, she's great." Min-ah whispers to him. "If you don't count the overload fangirling between the two of you then yeah, she's great."

She's great, my ass.

"What do I do, again?"

"You, sir, need to, you know," Hana, who turned out to be his fangirl - his fangirl over Chanyeol and his relationship, harrumphed and squeezed her hands in mid-air, startling Baekhyun. "Get your assets to be known to the world."

Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "By assets, you mean my face?"

Hana shakes her head. "Oh no, that won't do. Think, sir. Use your head."

Baekhyun frowns. "I have no fucking idea what you're trying to -"

"I meant your ass."

Min-ah covers her laugh with a cough. "Excuse me."

"What?!" Baekhyun growls. "What do you mean, my ass?"

"Ever heard of butt-sex?"

"Oh god." Min-ah took a shaky step back, her hands now clamped on her mouth as she tries not to let her laugh be heard.

"How is this part of trying to seduce my best friend?" Baekhyun questioned.

"You know," Hana shrugs nonchalantly as if this conversation is like talking about how fine the weather is. "Some guys like..." She gestures with her hands. "Big junks, you know what I mean? And those kind of junks are very common to guys."

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