Ouran High School Date Club Chapter 16

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*Karariri, Kamika, Kiyoko, and Hitomi start setting up for the date club's daily activities.*

Karariri: Oh yes, I almost forgot. We'll be having an old friend joining the date club today!

Kamika: Really? Who?

*Doors open and a strange guy walks into the room*

Kamika: Oh my gosh its Tsukishiro!! *runs over and hugs him*

Karariri: Speak of the devil. Nice seeing you again Tsukishiro.

Hikaru: *looks over at them and frowns* Who the hell is Tsukishiro? And why is Kamika so excited to see him?

Kyouya: *pushes up his glasses* Not sure but Karariri seems to be close to him too. An old childhood friend perhaps?

Hikaru: Yeah i guess so. *Kyoya and Hikaru both think: All i know is he better not try anything or else I might just have to snap his scrawny little neck*

Kamika: Its so nice to see you! How long has it been? Three years?

Tsukishiro: *laughs* Far too long. i see you two haven't changed a bit. *Pats Kamika's head*

Kamika: *giggles* same to you Tsukishiro! But you changed you got so tall!

Karariri: No not really Kamika, you're just short.

Kamika: What?! No way i'm like 5'4"! *pouts*

Hikaru: *clears his throat* Excuse me but i believe the date club was setting up.

Tsukishiro: Oh yes, i'm sorry. But as of today I'm an official member of the date club! So where do I start?

Hitomi: You can start by polishing my royal throne, slave.

Karariri: I think not. Tsukishiro you can start by organizing the quizzes for me.

Tsukishiro: Anything for you two! *starts organizing quizzes*

Kyouya: hmm...*starts looking up Tsukishiro's files on his super secret network of Knowledge*  Interesting......*scrolls down* Tsukishiro was Karariri's childhood sweetheart..? *Squeezes pen and shatters it into a million tiny pieces, sending ink everywhere*

Karariri: *looks over at Kyoya and thinks: Isn't fun when the shoe's on the other foot now is it?*

Kamika: Well Tsukishiro here's a packet explaining what the date club is all about and look you even get this really cool calender!

Tsukishiro: Oh wow seems like a lot *laughs* Thanks Kamika!

Karariri: *thinks: and now for the fun part!~* So Kyoya what do you think about Tsukishiro?

Kyouya: He seems like a very fine geltleman.

Karariri: I saw you break your pen..*looks at the ink on his hand* is something wrong? *makes clueless face (aka the Kamika face)*

Kyouya: *clears his throat* Um it must have been defective.

Karariri: Sure it was... *grins*

Tsukishiro: Hey hey Kamika could you help me with this...? I don't understand.

Kamika: Sure thing!

Hikaru:  *turns and watches them, completely ignoring his guests.*

Tsukishiro: Okay. So how exactly do you...?

Hikaru: *Thinks what the hell is this guy up to..?*

Kamika: Oh thats easy you just...

Hikaru: *turns to his clients* just one second ladies, I'll be right back. *walks over to Tsukishiro and Kamika* excuse us Tsukishiro. *drags Kamika into the hallway* what was that all about?

Kamika: Um what are you talking about Hikaru?

Hikaru: Don't play dumb Kamika!

Kamika: ??? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hikaru: *balls his hands into fists* Well Kamika until you figure it out...

Kamika: *eyes widen* Hikaru what are you saying?

Hikaru: Until you figure it out *tears start forming in his eyes* We're through!

Kamika: *looks at the ground* Hikaru...you...you *starts crying* you idiot.* You idiot!! *runs away*

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