Ouran High School Date Club Chapter 15

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Hitomi: WHen are they gonna get back1?!

Tamaki: What if only Kyouya comes back and Karariri stays?!

Both: That would be horrible!

Hitomi: I know what that's like... To hurt someone you love and not do it purposely. It even hurts you.

Kamika and Kiyoko: It sounds like it does...

All: I just hope they come back.


-On the Plane-

Kyouya: America sure isnt anything that I expected.

Karariri: *Gazes out the window* You're alot different than I expected.

Kyouya: I probably am at the moment but give me a second chance.

Karariri: I can't do that right now, because I dont trust you.

Kyouya: I wouldnt trust myself either

Karariri: *Thinks: Im not caving in... Stay strong Karariri, you were fine before you met him, you'll be even better off without him*

Kyouya:I hate knowing that I did this to you.... but it proves you do care still or it wouldnt hurt you.

Karariri: You're right I do care I care alot that's why you cant be trusted. ANd I dont know if you ever can be again.

*At some point she had fallen asleep looking out the window*

Kyouya: *Thinks: Well you've screwed up and now you're going to lose her unless you prove yourself. Damnit I should've stopped talking to Haruhi a long time ago.

Karariri: *Wakes up* .... Rozu....

Kyouya: You miss your mom huh?

Karariri: Yes, thats originally the reason for the vacation...  I do miss her and I refused to miss her birthday.

Kyouya: *Thinks: SHe cant even look at me*


Hitomi: Gah I cant sleep *Calls Kamika*

Kamika: *Yawns* Yes boss?

Hitomi: I cant sleep.

Kamika: So you call me?

Hitomi: I dont know cause im worried about those two, the way things are going Kyouya's screwed.

Kamika: I agree.


-The Next Day-

Karariri: *Grabs small case out of her bag*

Kyouya: Watches over her shoulder

Karariri:  How did this get in here.... Its my old flute... I havent played it since I got my oboe...

Kyouya: You should play it.... Rozu-san told me to make sure to bring it. She says you shouldnt forget how to play it.

Karariri: *opens the case* But it was broken.... Thats why I forgot about it

Kyouya: I got you a new one... sort of my way of saying sorry...

Karariri: *Thinks: He bought me a new one?* Kyouya, I dont know what to say..

Kyouya: You dont have to say anything, just play it. *sits back*

Karariri: *Slowly puts it together* ... Well its been a while let me think..... *Plays her new flute* Kyouya.... thank you I love it.

Kyouya: *smiles* I thought you might... *places a hand on her shoulder*

Karariri: Fine... I give up. I cant stay mad at you anymore... But what did Haruhi mean when she said she had "made her decision".. You're not seeing her are you? *Starts tearing up*

Kyouya: No... No no no a thousand times no. *Lifts her chin* She wanted to be back in the host club, but I told her she couldnt...

Karariri: Then what did she mean..

Kyouya: I asked her if she wanted her last pay from when she was a host. She deserves it if she worked right?

Karariri: I didnt know that... Im sorry... I should've trusted you... I was just afraid. You and her used to be very close by what I heard.

Kyouya: But its nothing now, she doesnt even attend Ouran anymore.. I love you Karariri and no one else. *Looks deeply in her eyes*

Karariri: *Looks back up at him* I love you too Kyouya... I was just jealous...

Kyouya: *Kisses her gentley* She's not important to me....


-Once they got home-

Kyouya: *Slowly enters the room carrying a sleeping Karariri*

Tamaki: Oh no she's dead! YOu killed her!

Hitomi: Why would you do that Kyouya!?!

Karariri: *demonically glares at them* I am trying to sleep you idiots. now SHUTUP!

Hitomi: Its nice to have you back Karariri.

Karariri: Yeah, well Kyouya and I are off to bed. Oh god that sounded wrong o.e

Kiyoko: Im sure you are.

Kamika: Wow Karariri didnt know you were like that.

Hikaru and Kaoru: Get you some Kyouya!!!

Kyouya: Idiots.

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