Ouran High School Date Club Chapter 20

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Tsukishiro: What time does the dance start?

Karariri: 7:00 pm

Kyouya: What colors are you wearing my love?

Karariri: I'm wearing purple of course. But you technically never asked me to be your date so i'm still up for grabs. *smirks*

Tsukishiro: *thinks: Yay!*

Kyouya: *raises eyebrows* I just kinda assumed because we are dating and all... *blushes*

Karariri: *pokes his nose* I know! Im just kidding! *kisses his cheek*

 Tsukishiro: *arrow through the chest*

Kiyoko: Im orange!

Hitomi: Im green!

Kamika: And im blue... *sighs*

Kiyoko: Where's Hikaru?

Kaoru: He went to look for you guys at the store.

Kiyoko: But we arent at the store anymore, so wouldnt it be helpful to tell him that?

Tamaki:Yes but let him run, it'll calm him down.

Hitomi: Now Kamika's gone. *smiles evily*

Kiyoko: She probably went home.


Hikaru: *walks into the store* Hello Mrs.! Were 4 girls here?

Cashier: *laughs* Alot of girls have been in here cutie *hops on the counter* What did they look like?

Hikaru: One has square glasses and is DEMONIC! Uhh One looks exactly like a bunny. And then two twins.

Cashier: Oh yeah they've been here. They just left actually.

Hikaru: Do you know which way they went?

Cashier: Nope but I think I see one of the twins right over there *points to a girl sitting on a swing through the window*

Hikaru: Oh! THere she is! THank you so much for all your help!*runs to the park*

Kamika: *sways on the swing* I hate you.... *sighs*

Hikaru: *walks up behind her and hugs her* and who exactly do you hate?

Kamika: *suprised face* SHut up...

Hikaru: *hugs her tighter* I was wrong... please.... I mustunderstood-

Kamika: THat doesnt matter! What matters is that you broke up with me without even thinking! *stands up*

Hikaru: But I...

Kamika: *starts to walk away*

Hikaru: *starts to cry* But... i love you...

Kamika: *looks at him and starts to cry* I... I dont believe you!

Hikaru: Kamika! *reaches out for her*

Kamika: *runs off*

Hikaru: *runs after her but loses her* Kamika! Kamika!!


-The Ball!

Tamaki, Kyouya, Hitomi, and Karariri are standing on the right side of the staircase. Hikaru, Kaoru, Kiyoko, and Kamika are on the left.

Tamaki: Welcome-

Hitomi: *pushes Tamaki* To the Valentines ball!

Tamaki: TT3TT she's sooo cute!

Kyouya: Dance until you cant dance anymore.

Karariri: Food and beverages are free

*crowd cheers*

The spot light shines on the host club and the date club.

Tsukishiro: The host club took the date club's quiz and are now going to dance with their results! The results were...

*lights turn off and then shine on Tamaki and Hitomi*

Tsukishiro: Tamaki Suou and Hitomi Azuska!

Tamaki: *holds out his hand* May I have this dance Princess?

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