Cell Fever

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Two days; that's how long we were stuck in the cell. M1 sobbed all of the first day, but in those last few hours, she'd been staying as far away from me as she could be in the ridiculously small space. She would constantly glower at the wall, but at this point she was asleep. Her ghostly, white hair was strewn about like a halo around her head. I always wondered why her hair was like that. I mean, it was interesting, but at the same time it was very... odd. 

She squirmed, kicking me in her sleep.

"Ow!" I hissed, rubbing my knee. She smiled dreamily. "Oh, this makes you happy?" I muttered dryly. She rolled over, and mumbled something. "What?" I asked stupidly. Yeah I know, I know. I was talking to a girl who was asleep. But I'm pretty sure you'd do the same thing if you were stuck in a room that would make a claustrophobic person go mad.

M1 shivered. "Cinder... Cinderella..." she mumbled some more.

I raised an eyebrow. "Um, okay..."

She shivered again, hugging herself tightly. Sighing I took of my sweater off and draped it over her arms. The moment the sweater fell on her shoulders, her  silvery-gray eyes shot open. M1 hopped up and looked around, confused. She had her back turned from me as she was still coming to.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Hey M1, are you al...?" M1 tensed up, and an invisible force slammed me into the opposite wall. My breath left my body in a big woosh! She turned around, her face twisted up into a snarl.

"You!" she screeched as she threw a fist at me. I caught her wild hook, and she stumbled forward.

I cupped her face in my hands and shook her head. "Hey, snap out of it! It's me. Calm down, Alright?"

Her eyes seemed to clear up. "Wha...what happened?" she slurred.

"You were sleep-fighting me, crazy."

"Sorry, H2. I had a dream about Joan..." She stopped, her eyes growing wide.

"What is it?" I asked warily.

"I had a dream! I haven't had a dream in years! It was so vivid and real... but, it's pretty sad that my first dream in such a long time was a nightmare." glanced up at me through her spiky bangs. "Yeah, you probably think I'm weird..."

I chuckled, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. At least she wasn't really mad at me any more. "If you haven't noticed, every kid here is weird in a way."

"Hold up," She pushed me away. "Where'd your shirt go?"

I could feel my face burning up. "You were shivering in your sleep, so I..."

She found my sweater, turned her head, and shoved it at me. "Put it on!" she snarled.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help! Please don't throw me against the wall again."

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "No, I'm not upset. It's fine."

There was an tense pause. Then, M1 grunted both hands up to her head. She fell to her knees. I took a knee in front of her, and grabbed her shoulders.

"M1? M1! What's wrong?! Is it the zap chips?"

She looked up slowly, her pupils the size of pinpricks. "Too many voices... they're screaming my name...."

"I don't hear anyone."  'Is she losing it?' 

"I heard that, you know. Wait... these are children's voices. P.H.O.B.I.A.S. children!" she exclaimed.

I shook my head. "You can hear them? I thought you only had telekinesis."

She shrugged. "I guess it just developed." she frowned. "Hey, one at a time!" she snapped. "Oh, not you, H2. Them."

M1 sat there for a while staring into space and nodding occasionally. Later on, she stood up and with a huge grin stretched across her face.

"A smile? Whoa, you must have really good news."

"H2, the kids are going on strike! Gen Ath24 got word that we were stuck in here, and he got all the kids together to start a riot that's going on right now! A party of kids have been sent out to find where ever the hell we are in the building!" she stated happily.

I scratched my head "Uh, Gen Ath24 did all of that?"  M1 nodded. "Ath's about seven years old. How'd he convince the kids to do something that risky?"

She shrugged. "He's in Generation Athena, H2. The boy's a genius. He may be young, but I'm pretty sure he has his ways."

Then, a loud booming sound came from above. I looked up as dust and a few bits of the ceiling fell down. There was a loud crack, and the ceiling began to crumble.

"Cover your head!" I pushed her away from the center of the tiny room and we both sheilded our heads. When the dust settled, we looked up to the gaping hole in the roof, then glanced at each other.

"They were in a hole for all this time!? Really!?" a girl muttered.

A hole? I glanced over at the locked exit beside M1; a locked metal door. What I didn't get was that the one that did this was able to blow a hole into the ceiling, but they couldn't just unlock the damn door and let us out that way.

Ath24's head popped into view and so did four other kids' heads. "Hey guys!" he chirped. He turned to one of the larger kids. "K10, you know what to do right?"

K10 nodded. "Alright love birds, make room!" K10 yelled as he jumped into the hole. He landed on his feet, tossed his strawberry-blond hair out of his eyes, and winked, flashing a smile at M1. She simply rolled her eyes. He turned to me, beaming. "Hey beanpole! Did ya miss me?"

I smirked. "Not at all. Now get us out of here, man."

M1 chuckled dryly. "Oh, you're not touching me. I'm getting out here myself." Then she levitated up and through the hole, leaving me alone with K10.

"God, I wish I had her powers..." I mused. 

"Yeah, yeah, you and me both, boss." Before I could react, K10 lifted me up bridal-style.

"Hey what are you doing!?" I screamed. "Get off of me!"

"Oh, don't get too excited, princess." he muttered.

"Princ...!" before I could finish, he threw me up through the hole. I landed on all fours, and staggered to my feet. I let out a sigh of relief when I was finally able to stretch the stiffness out of my arms and legs.

Ath24 padded over to M1 and me and wrapped himself our legs. "I missed you guys so much!" He looked up at us with a big grin. 

A tall slender girl tapped Ath24's shoulder. "Sorry to cut the reunion short, but we have company!" She jerked her thumb towards a squad of a few, but heavily armed guards.

Ath24 turned to the others. "You guys ready to put up a fight?"

"Yeah!" They all screamed in unison.

"Alright then," M1 cracked her knuckles, her eyes flashing hungrily. "Payback time!"

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