Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

What happened from that moment onwards seemed to all occur in slow motion. I could count every blink of disbelief as Shane stared at the flashing phone on the table, as my own eyes widened in horror. He made a motion towards the phone, his eyes never leaving the flashing screen.

Not going to happen, I thought, at the same time making a wild movement toward the phone.

Whether or not it was a natural instinct as a swimmer, I had no idea, but the way I dove across the table, grabbing the phone in the process and rolling over to land on my feet would totally rock theatres on slow-mo!

“Aisha Michelle Pierce!” the harsh voice of my father boomed, and as I gazed up, the sight that met my eyes slapped the prideful smirk of my face.

“No, not my d’avril original!” Bethany whined, just as the last standing glassware on the table tipped over with the falling table cloth into the pile of broken glass and scattered silverware lying around me.

My mouth fell open. I was so totally bad-ass for making it without a scratch!

“C’est une catastrophe!” François had rushed in with Pedro at his heels. His open mouth and eyes formed three perfect o’s as he rushed forward towards me. At least someone had the decency to look my way without frowning or looking like I’d just stabbed them in the shoulder.

“Yeah, but I was pretty bad-ass if I-”

“The dishes! They were the pantry’s finest!” groaned François, as he joined Bethany in moaning their grave loss.

I narrowed my eyes. Hey, the flowers were still in good shape, maybe we could hitch a priest and we could get the funeral taken care of immediately, so that we could move on to the reading of the will.

“I’ll help you up,” Pedro outstretched a hand. When I didn’t take it he frowned.

“Oh! You’re talking to me?” I drawled sarcastically, taking his hand.

He snorted. “You’re not hurt are you?”

The stupid grin returned. “Nope! I was pretty bad-ass if I do say so myself!”


“Jayden! Come and get this cleaned!” François called, already halfway through the kitchen doors. Pedro gave me a smile and followed.


I turned to face my still frowning father.

“Yes daddy?”

“What in the world possessed you to- I don’t understand why you -How could you-” He sighed deeply. “You know, I can’t- I’ll have to calm down before I-”

 As I watched the frustration play out across his face, I cringed. This was going to leave ten more years of age on my father. With all the trouble I seemed to cause, by the time I turned eighteen, he’d be a corpse!

Bethany was sulking in a corner, while Darren was looking at me like I’d finally lost my marbles, even though I’d many times explained to him that I was already pretty much over that edge ever since he was introduced in my life. But it was Shane’s expression of scrutiny that made me step back.

“Fu-ow!”I yelped as a sharp pain shot through my right leg. I glanced down at my jeans. Maybe I hadn’t gotten away scotch free like I’d first thought.

The denims had been wet already, so the blood covering the side hadn’t brought on a different sensation, but just the sight of the dark red liquid spreading across the worn blue fabric made me nautious.

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