Chapter 06

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Chapter six

I was still staring at the screen, grinding at my teeth so much that a cavity was sure to be formed. The only thing that was worst than waiting was hoping, and so far, I had surprised myself in how much my patience level had grown. Wattpad was definitely changing me. No, let me rephrase that- he was definitely changing me.

It wasn't often I received notifications from darkpoet_001 and when I did, they were like the Big Sal's two for one chicken combo- so finger licking good that I could never seem to be satisfied. And as much as my stomach grumbled, I promised myself that I'd stick it out because there was no way that I was missing that notification from him.

There was that familiar beep of salvation, and rubbing my hands together in pleasure, I clicked at the little flashing orange box to the bottom of my screen.

'Jerkpid_for_you has commented on your story'

My eyes sky rocketed as my face fell, and I bit my lip to keep from cursing aloud. After all, it was a good thing when someone commented on your work.

"Yeah, but why does that someone have to be this idiot?"

Taking a deep breath I clicked on 'view message'.

Jerkpid_for_you: Hey there sexy ;)

I could feel my eye twitching as I glared at the message. What kind of freaking comment was that? The moron was so hopeless that he didn't even know the difference between a story comment and idle chat!

For God's sake, message me through freaking PM if you want to chat Shane, I thought. Not that I wanted him to, but really, this affects my whole vision. You see, I was not only just a girl. I was a girl with a vision to reach one thousand comments in less than three months. Now, because of the idiot, when that happens I'll be all golly ho and enthusiastic, but then, it wouldn't be quite earned because one of those will be idle crap. And trust me when I say that the world of ShareYourStory Ville was one heck of a mess. One did not simply make it out without really fighting for those reads/votes/comments!

 With my teeth now grinding in overdrive, I typed Shane a little thank you message.

Girlyoudontknow: Hey Shane you idiotic buffoon! Stay the f*** out of my work!

Out of everything that Shane could've done, his next move had to be what drove me over the edge of the cliff I'd come to be standing on since first stumbling across him in my life.

The incorrigible idiot did it again!

 I was practically fuming as I saw his comment on my poetry.

Jerkpid_for_you: You swearing yet? ;)

I created a whole new freaking vocabulary as I raved about my room, pulling at my hair.Why did he insist on pushing my buttons? He knew that I was practically an explosive risk, and the idiot insisted on playing with fire.

I heard another beep. I breathed heavily as I glared at the neglected laptop on my desk. Yeah freaking right. I was not going to do this with him today. The thing about Shane though, was that he thought that he was god's greatest gift to the world and that he just couldn't be ignored. He was like a spoiled little rich kid; everything just had to go his way. And so he sent yet another message.

"Father of lovable fudge sundae give me the patience and the needed taser to torture that guy whenever I see him and not just settle for a quick death." I let out a breath, and tried to make the sign of the cross, but eventually had to give it up. "Amen."

I quickly clicked at the little chat box and typed the first words that I'd been inspired with.

Girlyoudontknow: F*** off!

Shane Mason be Damned - A 'My Wattpad Love' Fanfiction-Where stories live. Discover now