Chapter 1

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My name is Anna Hamilton, I'm twenty three years old. I'm from London, and 12 months ago I was waiting to board my flight to New York. It was 4 pm of a Wednesday in January and my plane was supposed to take off at 1:15 pm of that day...

But well, let's start by telling you why I was moving to New York: I'm about to graduate from my career, 'Business Management', and surprisingly I'm one of the best students of my year. They decided to give me scholarship to study a whole year abroad at Columbia's Business School, where I was supposed to get my last courses done, so I could go back to London to do some internships before my graduation.

Everyone was starting to get mad about the time our flight was being moved. UK January's weather is awful, and that's why our flight was delayed and now, canceled. At that moment, I either wanted to go home, because I was starting to feel homesick, or get into that stupid airplane to, hopefully, get rid of this horrible feeling and replace it with excitement for the new life I was about to live.

Around 6 pm the crew told us that we would be re-accommodated in another flight to take off at 9:10pm.

"What in the world are you thinking? Do you want us to get to New York at midnight?" I yelled. My mom would have given me that 'behave yourself' look if she was there. Yes mum, I miss you.

"We are extremely sorry, but we're doing the best we can" the lady at the counter said. Other people kept yelling to the crew, until they announced that they would be sorting out some first class seats for the people who needed to fly immediately. Fancy.

"Of course I need to go right now" I said to the lady, showing my admission letter, "I'm starting classes on Monday..." I lied "...and I need to sort out my accommodation and that stuff. I know you understand this, please..." I begged.

"I'll see what we can do" she said while receiving more passengers who wanted, as well, to get into that damn plane.

Thanks to The Lord, I'm boarding the 9:10pm (4:10pm NYC time) flight, being the happiest human being and thanking the lady who got me the first class seat. I put my belongings in the place they should be and then, took my seat. The seat next to me was empty and I was hoping nobody would put his lovely ass down there because I wanted to be alone, crying because the homesick feeling has gotten me, again. Don't blame me, I'm still a little girl who needs to have her loved ones around!

To distract myself during the 8-9 hrs. flight, I started to look for some movies on my iPad before taking off.

Suddenly I felt someone sitting right next to me. Fantastic. I wanted to punch whoever it was in the face for interrupting my moment, but I managed to control myself as polite and nice as I am.

As soon as the stewardess let us take out the devices again, I chose some good movies to pass the time, not being aware that someone was next to me. Sleeping was not an option, so if I got bored with the Netflix catalogue (not that has happened to me before), I also have packed some pocket books and comics, because I just simply love to read them.

I decided to watch 'Marley And Me', then I'd take the sequel of 'The Hunger Games' and maybe a chick flick to let my eyes cry a river if with the first one was not enough.

As I expected, I cried as soon as Marley died, it was a silent crying. That kind of crying you don't make any sound and your tears keep flowing despite your attempts to stop them. I used to cry like that when my parents got divorced or when my first boyfriend broke my heart. But now, I was crying because Marley died and because I missed my home so much. I couldn't imagine myself living my days alone, whitout mum, without brother, without my family. I really hope I can survive 'till Christmas when I can finally go home again.

I don't know how many time has passed but I still can't control myself. Suddenly, I hear someone clearing his throat. "Ma'am, are you okay? It's been like an hour and I keep hearing your sobs," the man said.

As my self-control vanished, I yelled "None of your business!"

"Well, I think it is because you haven't let me fall sleep since the plane took off," the guy explained, not annoyed but kinda worried.

"Oh, my bad, I didn't ask you as a flight partner," I answered without looking at him yet, drying my tears with the damp sleeve of my hoodie.

There was silent after that so I decided to look up for the guy who, in a way, made me calm a little. Suddenly I got a knot in my throat as I realised who it was. As soon as he knew I had recognised him, he smiled widely, like he was glad that I had found out who he was.

Yes. That was happening to me, when I was the ugliest, the angriest, the most childish passenger on the freaking plane. The one and only Chris Evans was the guy who interrupted my moment and who I haven't let fall sleep the whole night. Wait, what? Oh no.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't kno-" I tried.

"Hey, no, no, I'm sorry to bother you, I just noticed you're crying A LOT and it kind of worried me..." He looked embarrassed, and yes, handsome. All I could do was looking at him with my face as blank as a damn paper.

"Y-you're not bothering, I mean, I didn't expect to annoy anyone with my crappy mood" I managed to say full of embarrassment, looking down at my hands while my cheeks started to colour up again.

"Mmm, I know I don't even know you, but how about if you tell me what is happening?" Chris said. "What if you're in pain and no one here notices?" He asked looking at my red bloody eyes.

At first, I though 'this man has to be kidding me, he is so bored that he decided to talk to me, haha silly Anna, go to sleep, stop annoying him.' But there he was, staring at me, waiting for a response. Damn.

"Oh no, it's nothing! Don't worry about me. I'm fine now, you can have some sleep," I said.

He didn't break the eye contact and now he was looking at me in disbelief. "Are you serious? I made that sleep thing up as an excuse to ask you what the hell was hurting you that much you couldn't stop crying!" he almost shouted.

I didn't know what else to say, he just shut me up, but he suddenly picked one of my comics: 'Captain America Lives Again', and I was about to give him an 'Excuse me?' look but I quickly realised that I shouldn't because well, just, no.

"Okay, you don't want to talk about that, so let's talk about something else," he smiled opening the comic and flickering the pages. "I can tell you're a fan, you have good taste on superheroes," he smirked and looked at me.

I just couldn't handle his cuteness and smiled back at him.

"Yessss! I've made you smile!" He said punching the air while I laughed. "That was hard, ehm..."

"Anna," I introduced myself still giggling. "Anna Hamilton." I finished.

"Well Anna, nice to meet you. I'm Chris, I'll let you guess my surname," he winked.

Yes, Evans, I will always remember it. Always.

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