Two People Can't Live

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Ruby's P.O.V
I walked into the house and frowned when I saw Emily and Mikie on the couch " Why. Are you still up" Emily walked over to me and took my hand "Ruby,you should come sit down" I followed her to the couch and ruffled Mike's hair "What's going on ?" Emily looked at Mikie and shook her head "We think that Maddie is cheating on you " I scrunched my eyebrows and shook my head "What are you talking about,why"
"I heard her um...enjoying it while you were gone" Emily spook with sadness in her eyes "Go to bed please kids" Emily nodded and took Mikie's hand "We love you Rubes" I put my hand up and nodded "I love you too,go now" they nodded and ran upstairs . I walked upstairs and opened my door frowning I don't even know what I could say,I'm doing the same thing,I mean ,I didn't have sex with Natalie but I am giving her my attention "Babe we need to talk,your sister was so rude to me" I shook my head and walked to the closet "Maybe it's because she heard you fucking someone else" I barley whispered but I knew she could hear me "W..what are you talking about ?" I shook my head and pulled on a tank top "She said she heard you moaning while I was gone" she sat on the edge of the bed and shook her head "I was masturbating,you're never here to help me,YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S CHEATING,WITH THAT TACO BELL LOOKING BITCH" I frowned at her and shook my head "I'm not cheating on you with Garcia...and that was crazy disrespectful" I continued to whisper,not really feeling up to a fight tonight "Emily needs to mind her fucking business " I snapped around to her and grabbed her shirt "I don't give a flying fuck what you saw about me ,but you do not,and I mean fucking DO NOT ,talk about the people I love" she snatched away from me and sat on the bed "So you don't love me" she started to cry and laid back onto the bed "Oh shut that shit up ,why are you crying,no one did anything to your spoiled ass" she sat up and raised her eyebrow "Excuse me,I am not spoiled" I scoffed and took a pair of basketball shorts from the closest "And you're also not crazy " I mocked her and pulled on the shorts "You know what,FUCK YOU ROSE" she pushed me ,making me fall and hit my head on the dresser "Mama !" Vause ran into the room and crawled into my lap "Baby are you --"
"Shut the fuck up" I moved Vause off of me and stood up ,holding my now bloody head "Vause ,go get dressed and get Emily and Mike" she nodded and ran out of the room "What are you doing ?" I pulled on a thicker shirt and got my sneakers out of the closest "I'm leaving you,I'll be back for our stuff tomorrow" she shook her head and grabbed my arm "You can't take my kids,you can't leave me" I snatched my arm back and walked out of the room "Ruby,what happened" Katy grabbed my arm and turned me around. Emily ran out of her room and pushed Katy off of me "Don't touch her"
"Why not" Katy rubbed the back of her neck and bit her lip "Because she's the one who was fucking Maddie . " I turned to Katy and shook my head "Please tell me that's not true Kate"
"I'M SORRY,I NEEDED SOMEONE AND --" I punched her in the face and grabbed Emily's hand "Come on ,we're leaving"
Natalie's P.O.V
I rode around downtown and frowned ,knowing that she couldn't have gone this far
I think we might be outlaws
I pulled over the car and grabbed my phone "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU"
"Calm down Nat,I have her and she's safe" I sighed in relief ,even though I'm sure she's not much safer with him than she would be with a crack head
"Where are you,I'll come pick her up" I heard him chuckle and I imagined the smirk that probably stained his face
"Nah baby,I'll drive her to your house,she just wanted to get to know me"
"First off,call me that again and I pull your hair out  again ,second,put my child on the phone" he chuckled "That hurt like a mother fucker too,one minute"
I put the phone on speaker in the car and started to drive again
"H..hey mommy"
"You realize,I'm gonna beat the shit out of you when you get back,yeah" I frowned when I saw someone on my porch " Yes ma'am"
"Long as you know,put Phillip back on the phone" I sighed when I realized it was only Garcia and jumped out of the car "Hello my love "
"You really want me jailed,don't you,just please bring my child back safe,I got to go,bye" I hung up the phone and walked over to Garcia "Hey Chipotle" she stood up and smiled at me "Ha ha ha,very funny...can we go in ,it's cold as balls out here" I nodded and took my keys out "So is there a reason you're on my porch at one in the morning or.." she sat on my couch and crossed her legs "I just wanted to come check on you and your daughter" I sat next to her and shrugged "Thank you but why would you need to do that ?" She bit her lip and frowned "Ruby didn't tell you then" I raised my brows and cleared my throat "Um tell me what ?" She took my hand in hers and shook her head "When I was was--" I sighed when I heard the door and walked patted Garcia's thigh "It's my daughter,I'll be right back" I opened the door and grabbed Natasha's shirt "Get upstairs,get in the shower and go the fuck to sleep,I'll deal with you tomorrow" she nodded and ran upstairs "Whoa Nat,you got all bad ass on me"
"I didn't get shit on you"
He chuckled and rubbed the back his neck "Coming in,or are you just waste my heat"
"I'm allowed to come in"
I started to close the door but stopped when he put his foot in "Okay,okay,damn" I moved to the side and let him in "Garcia this is...Phillip" he stuck out his hand and shook hers "Hello Phillip ,I'm Garcia" her words laced with a thick Spanish accent,making me smile "It's time for your in a relationship ass to get home love" she scoffed and pulled me over to the door "I still need to tell you something"
"Tell me at school tomorrow,we'll have lunch" she nodded and kissed my cheek "I'll be seeing you Phillip" I pushed her out the door and shook my head "Why is everyone I know a nut" he chuckled and leaned against the counter "Thank you for keeping my daughter safe" he smiled and nodded "She is just as beautiful as you" I scoffed and put up three fingers "That's one,two more left" I dropped my ring finger and threw up the peace sign "Please let me make it up to you Nat I--"
"YOU KNOW WHAT, STOP CALLING ME THAT,There is no Making it up to me or Please forgive me's ,I hate you Phillip and you mean nothing to me,so just go" he sighed and nodded his head "Alright,but know I'm here" I pointed to the door and shook my head "Bye" he sighed and walked out,slamming the door "I can't take much more" I pulled off my shirt and flopped on the couch "Mom...Phillip told me he's not my dad"
And now you die,you basterd
Phillip's P.O.V
I stalked down the drive way frantically typing numbers into my phone "Yo man ,how things coming with what I asked you about"
"As far as I know Phil ,Natalie never even walked out of that room,baby girl was dead as stone"
I rubbed my temples and shook my head
"We gotta finish this yo,she knows to much"
"Are you sure she even remembers...she kinda seems like she doesn't"
"I don't care what it seems like,she has to die...and the little bitch to...just for fun"
I heard him sigh and a click on the other line Two people can't live,knowing this secret

I Should Have Known Better (A Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now