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Natalie's P.O.V
"Derek if you don't sit down I'm officially going to slap you" he gasped and sat in his chair , I smirked at the class ,proud that I had officially gotten through my first week as a high school teacher "Mrs.Erickson" I smiled at the Australian accent and pushed away from my desk "Everyone stay under control ,Celeste you're in charge" I walked outside my class ,closing the door behind me "Hey babe" she smiled and grabbed my waist "Just wanted to confirm tonight" I nodded and pressed my lips onto hers ,my classroom door opened ,making me jump from Ruby's hold "Mrs,Erickson you might want to come In here" I waved at Ruby and ran into the class "Hey put that down before you break it" I snatched the test tube from the boys and threw it in the sink ,making it break into pieces "It was Derek" Derek gasped as I walked back to my desk with my head down
I waved to my third period class and walked around picking up papers from the floor and desk ,I threw the trash away and picked up my purse and phone from my desk before locking my door,I walked down the empty hallway rummaging through my purse and stopped when I heard a slap come from the girls bathroom
They should be at lunch
I walked into the bathroom and gasped when I saw Kiel on the floor and Celeste standing by the sinks "What the fuck ,why did you hit her" I picked up Kiel and examined her cheek "That's it ,you're going to the principal's office "
"It's not what you think" I turned to Kiel and shrugged "Then what is it"
"We were kissing and I started to freak when I heard your footsteps because I thought it was a student...she only hit me cause I told her to" I dropped Celeste arm and rubbed my temples "Why were y'all in the bathroom making out,you don't have to hide it"
"How not,you and Mrs. Rose hide it" I rubbed the back of my neck and shook my head "I don't know what you're talking about" she scoffed and crossed her arms "Sometimes after school my mom lets me check the secretary cameras ,you guys are adults and hide your relationship....we're kids in high school " I looked down and shook my head "Go to lunch" they shuffled out of the bathroom with me on their heels. I walked down the hall to Ruby's room and knocked on her door "Hey Nat" I grabbed her hand and walked down the hall to the cafeteria "Um are you okay" I ignored her and climbed onto one of the tables pulling her up with me "Give me your book hon" the girl handed me her math book and covered her ears as I slammed it on the table "Hey !" The cafeteria got quiet as I smashed my lips onto Ruby's ,she gasped but wrapped her arms around my waist "Be your self ,it doesn't matter what other people think ,you shouldn't have to hide love" I looked at Ruby and smiled "Because you can't choose who you fall in love with" she smiled and climbed of the table ,helping me down ,the cafeteria erupted into claps as Ruby pecked my lips again "Quiet down" Ruby laughed and pulled me into the hallway "Was there a reason for that" I shook my head and pecked her lips again "Nope ,just wanted to let the people know" she giggled and wrapped her arm around my waist "I'll see you later" I nodded and walked to my class "Bye Mrs. Rose" she turned around and smiled "Bye Mrs. Erickson "
Ruby's P.O.V
I giggled as another one of my kids shouted out a ship name "Rubelie" I shook my head and wrote the name on the board "Okay so far Roseson is winning,and Ratalie is a close second" the last bell rang making all the kids jump up and run to the door ,I walked around the class picking up my music binders and fixing chairs "What are all these" I jumped and turned around frowning when I saw Maddie standing at my board "Nothing,what are you doing here" I wiped off the board and threw away a piece of gum I found on the back of one of my desk "I always use to come visit you at work" I smiled at the memory from when we weren't always fighting "Yeah I guess,but why are you here now" she sucked her teeth and crossed her arms "You're my fucking wife Ruby,I'm sorry if you couldn't be bothered" I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her waist "Okay,I'm sorry"
"Hey Rose ,do you have a copy of....who is she" I moved from around Maddie and rubbed the back of my neck "A copy of what" Garcia handed me a paper and glared at Maddie "No but I can make one ,hold on" I walked into my office and let out a breath ,I didn't know I was holding I'm fucking screwed
Garcia's P.O.V
"Who are you" she crossed her arms and leaned against Ruby's desk "I'm her wife,who are you" I covered my mouth and walked into Ruby's office slamming the door door behind me "So you're just gonna play Natalie like a fucking Barbie" she shook her head and wiped at her eyes "I don't know what I got myself into Garcia ,I didn't mean to fall for Natalie ,it just happened,I don't know what to do" I shook my head and pulled her into a hug "You gotta break up with one of them,don't hurt them like this " she nodded and wiped her eyes again "Please don't tell Natalie until I get a chance to work this out" I bit my lip and argued with myself "Please Garcia" I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair I can't believe im helping her
Natalie's P.O.V
I walked behind the couch and put my hands over Tashie's face "Hey mama" I kissed her head and went into the kitchen "All set to go" she nodded and scrolled through her Twitter feed "Yeah ,can you drop me off now" I grabbed the keys of the mantel and shook them "Bring your booty" she jumped off the couch and grabbed her duffle bag "Can I have some money" I nodded and walked outside with her behind me "How much"
"600" I giggled and handed her a fifty and a ten "Sixty works too" I nodded and turned on the radio "So are you staying till Monday or am I picking you up tomorrow " she shrugged and typed into her phone "She says I can stay till Sunday " I nodded and tapped on the weel "Be good for me Okay,and take your meds" she mouth blah blah blah and nodded "I know momma" I sighed and pulled into the driveway "Do you have to meet her parents" I nodded and got out of the car "I don't know these people ,they could be pedophiles" she groaned and shook her head "Whatever"
"If I weren't just a teenager ,I would have slapped you by now" she gasped and shook her head ,knocking on the door "Abusive mother you are" I nodded and took out my phone ,reading a text from Ruby
From Babe: On my way
To babe : sys
The door opened and a girl with brown hair stood with a smile on her face "Hi you must be tasha " Tash nodded and shook the women's hand "Well I'm Maddie ,nice to meet you" I shook her hand and watched as Tashie's hugged the girl "Would you like to come in" I shook my head and smiled at the kids "No I have somewhere to be,but here's my number ,call if anything crazy happens" she nodded and took the paper from me "Have a nice weekend,be safe" I waved at her and ran back to my car I will

I Should Have Known Better (A Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now