Chapter 10

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Ellie had been unconscious all day yesterday and was only just waking up with a hangover she didn’t have curls like she normal does it was straight with a beanie and sunglasses along with her work clothes “how long have I been asleep” she asks as she makes coffee for us “over 24 hours” I tell her she rubs her temples “thank you for putting me to bed.” I raise my coffee “about what I said before I fell asleep” she smiles “I meant it” she looks down I put my coffee on the table “erm so did I” she look up and smiles

She lifts up here glasses up and winces but kisses me and I kiss back “be mine” I ask “I’ve been your for a while” she smiles and I kiss her again. We head out “no you are in no fit state to drive” I direct her to the passenger side of my car then get in the driver’s side then set off for the B.A.U.

Ellie has her hair up “whoa what happened to her” Emily gapes I have my arm around her waist “she went to a party the other night and still hasn’t recovered” I tell them “I’m fine I just have a problem with keeping up on my own two feet and light god I hate light right now” she sat down “so what’s with you two” Morgan asked “ask boy wonder” Ellie mumbled I was about to answer “right we have a new case” Hotch announced

As we were about to leave “Ellie you’re not fit for flight your with Garcia” she nodded “sure” I took her hand and walked out with her “Spencer and Ellie sitting in a tree” Ellie flipped him off. He just laughed. She walked me to the elevator she lifted off her glasses and kissed me there where whistles form the background before we broke off. “See you when you come back” her glasses went back down and she walked off with Garcia.


I was sat in Garcia’s Lair with my second coffee “so you and boy wonder” she smirks “yep me and boy wonder” I take off my glasses and place them on the table “hello my lovelies” she pops up on their screen “hey my baby girls” I snort Garcia talked about the case while I had my eyes on Spencer she was about to pop off “wait” they looked at me “I’m not your ‘baby girl’  I’m Spencer’s” I ended the call

“you have some sass girl” she laughs “what its true” I protest “okay so digging through the backgrounds of the latest victim but nothing pops up” she looks at me “what no boyfriends or anything” I ask “no anything it like she’s a ghost” she flutters “or it with sec” I point out her face light up and she beings typing.

-------Skipping to the end of the case-----

I feel much better and according to Garcia I have my glow back. I waited from across the lifts what happened in the past 12 hours had me on the edge of my chair


I was sitting with Garcia the team were closing in on Katharine Rivers who killed girls like the one who supposedly murdered her son “Reid you take the back entrance with Morgan. Rossi, JJ you’re with me “ Hotch ordered I presumes the followed the orders “Garcia can you get a visual I hate being blind” she started typing and brought up a picture from outside the house “any web cams” she started typing again and one came up “this one is the home computer” I nodded. We heard a lot of clears from the team “she’s not here” Morgan shouted “Spencer behind you” I shouted he turned around but didn’t shoot in time Katharine fired I saw Spence go down then Morgan shot her before going to Spence, JJ checked and confirmed she was dead.

“We need a medic!” Morgan shouted “no!” I shouted tears rolled down my face. There was moaning coming from the other end “Reid?” Morgan questioned “crap shot” he muttered I laughed and hugged Garcia


The bell dinged showing it was at this floor. Hotch, Rossi, JJ and Morgan came out the all gave me weak smiles. Then the person I’d been waiting for I walked up and hugged him “don’t ever do that to me again” I mumbled “technically it wasn’t my fault” he replied I slapped the good arm “don’t test me” the others laughed I smiled then kissed him.

Back at home I and Spencer were watching TV. “I’m tired” I complain “well then go to bed” I stood up and held out my hand “only if you come with me Dr Reid” he took my hand and I lead him upstairs were we fell asleep 

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