Chapter 3

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The sun hit my face causing me to open my eyes. Bad idea, I was temporally blinded and I fell off the bed “how did I get here?” I looked round I was in the hotel room and my gun and shoes were at the side along with a piece of paper.

Hope you had a nice sleep


Wow not much for words is he “I stood up and checked the clock it was five am, oh well might as well start getting ready I stripped and got in the shower. After I laid out my clothes and blow dried my hair. I pulled out my straightners and curled my hair then got dressed and for the final touch a little make up. I went to the clock it was now six so I decided to head out.

In the car park nearly everyone was there I put on my aviators and strolled out Morgan whistled “how can you look that good on a morning?” I smiled “yeah no even I look that refreshed” JJ added “practice lots and lots of practice” Hotch came out and we decided to head across to the diner “no but really what’s the secret” JJ asked as she sat next to me “conceler and eyeliner with a touch of mascara” I took off mu glasses “works every time” she nodded “is your hair naturally curly” Reid asked “no why” I took a menu and looked at it “well. Just because it never looks out of place” he replied

I out down my menu “Reid. I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘it’s bigger on the inside’” he nodded “a common fraises used in the revival of Doctor who” he confirmed “yeah welt that my bag” the other laughed while Reid looked baffled “hello, what can I get you?” I perky waitress asked.

Straight after breakfast we went to the police station “but it’s not possible to always have your hair like that” Reid went on “Spencer give it a rest if you are so fascinated with my hair once the case is done I will show you what I use to have it this way” I sighed “I he always like this?” I asked Rossi “with this persistence it would be the first time” he replied “oh god” I mumbled

“okay so the latest victim is Imogene Jackson 24 and married” Hotch put a picture up of the latest victim “there are no traces of DNA on the bag on the note but there are some defence marks on her arms” he told us “girl fought back. Good” Morgan approved “hopefully landed some blows in the process” looking at pictures “this is different. All the other women have been left in the open but Imogene was left in front of a dumpster a slight change in MO.” I added

“Reid you look over see if there is anything we missed Rossi and JJ take the crime scene again, Morgan and Ellie you’re with me” I looked up wow on first name basis I stood up and headed out with the two men. In the car my phone rang “hello.” I answered “Ellie- Bear” I smiled “hey Garcia you’re on speaker” I told Morgan looked at me and I shrugged “okay first Morgan switch your phone on.” She scolded

 He looked down at his phone and realisation hit him “okay so I have been up all night going through the latest Vic’s background and I found something. Imogene Jackson wasn’t like all the other you see the first four victims all had well less subtancial background but out latest Vic didn’t she was born into a very wealthy family”

After getting off the phone with Garcia we arrived at a nightclub “this is where she worked and the last place anyone saw her” I was informed we entered. A young man was cleaning up the bar and he caught sight of us “can I help you” he asks “yes we’re from the FBI can we ask you a couple of question” Hotch states I look around “mind if I grab a coke” he shakes his head and I go to the bar “we believe this women works here” Hotch started  

He showed the picture as I drank “Imogene yeah” he kept looking at me “what time did she leave last night” he asked “ about 11 that when her shift finishes, is she alright” the dude answered “no she’s dead” I said bluntly finishing off my drink “thanks” I strutted over by Morgan “did anything unusual happen last night.” Morgan speaks for the first time “no” was the simple answer I pulled out my phone and stood next to him “do any of these look familiar” I swipe to each victims “yeah they do. They’ll all work here or have worked”

He went on “I’ve been coming here for years and working for a few they all had other commitment but passed through here” he says “so why did Imogene work here she has a husband and a wad load of cash” I ask “she wanted freedom to get away from the cliché of the wealthy” he responded “thank you for your time” with that we left.

Back in the car “so did I do alright?”


“okay so last thing before I go they all had jobs that had a online site so  I was reading reviews and each victim and they were all bad like literally when they speak of the service they said that even though they were good workers they acted like femme fatal even the first victim who was a mom she still strutted her stuff” Garcia told us “thanks “ we hung up “Ellie I need you to be a distraction the to whoever there seen as its run by males.. You get the idea”


“Good” was all he said. Back at the station we were going over the victimology before we give the profile “okay so let me get this straight each victim has a name that co- insides with the alphabet they are one year older than the previous and they ALL have been described in the work place as femme fatal. This un sub confuses the hell out of me” I rubbed my temples “yeah he doesn’t seem to live in the gated community because he would have dumped them right on their doorsteps so I think we’re are looking at someone who lives the and is the stressed” Reid thought “so the un- sub is a he” I questioned “yes the bag we believe symbolises an item from his stressor” Rossi told us

We stood up and gave the profile. You can tell I’m new to this job “the un sub we’re looking for we believe to be between the age of 20 to 25 has young and knows each of the victims. His stressor resembles those he has killed” Morgan began “we also believe that he has had a child with his stressor” Hotch states “how so?” I keep quiet because I’m not sure. “He most likely has some form of OCD and having a child who is learning has repetition work its way into the brain” Reid saves

After the profile I go outside “you okay?” I look behind “I feel so dumb” I reply “why?” he sits down next to me “I get parts of the profile like the age and stressor but the who victims it seems so confusing I mean kill them because they act all sexy and have confidence and some don’t like it. It makes no sense” I huff “some cases and profiles make no sense only to the unsub they do I’ve had that a few times” he tells me “I’m gonna have to get used to not getting some killers aren’t I” I look at him “yes I’m sure the next case you will be able to join in a know what you’re talking about” the digged I laughed yeah maybe” we sat in silence


 “Was that your mom the yesterday?” I asked she nodded “yeah. I and she don’t exactly get along anymore” she told me “how so. If you don’t mind me asking” she shook her head “for ten years it was just us two she worked two jobs to support us. While she was working as a waitress she met my stepfather” she changed her position “when they were married she changed she lived off Brad and I would rather go out and work than be snobbish like my step father and brother”

I was about to ask another question when JJ came out “Spence Ellie you’re needed back” we nodded “thanks...for the talk” she smiled and headed back inside, my stomach was feeling funny and I felt nervous. 

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