Chapter 4

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Okay so I’m going to wrap this case up because I’m really rubbish at writing them from the next chapter onwards it will take place in the B.A.U and outside it. J


“Peirce and Reid you take the back door with JJ. Rossi and Morgan you’re with me” Hotch ordered. Detective Kim had sealed off the area and was waiting for us. I strapped on my vest and got out Hotch and Kim were talking “do you have my back” I ask Spence “yeah...yeah I got your back” I smile in return “good cause I have yours” I un holster my gun and check it “okay you ready” we all nod and head to our positions. We have back up with us and we wait which isn’t long the UN sub also known as Peter Rachinove

JJ handcuffed him while me and Ellie went inside he had his latest victim tied up we took her to the ambulance

(Okay so its crap but I’m not a case writer and I wanted to wrap it up as soon as possible so yeah sorry)

On the plane ride home Ellie slams her bag on the table “okay boy genius who is fascinated with my hair” everybody gathers round she pulls out a few items from her bag and places “hair-dryer and brush I use it in a way to manipulate and style my hair as well as volume, then I use the staightners to give it the finish. Last but not least hair spray keeps it shiny and in place” she points to each object as she explains “that doesn’t explain how you used all that before you met us outside”

She sighed and packed her stuff up “I have had years of practice I can do it in half an hour” she left and came back with a bag of cheetos and sat next to me “you would have to work at a quick speed for to do all that” I said she sighed and ignored me.

Off the plane we all split up to go to our cars when I got a phone call “hello” I answered “ah Dr Reid thank god you picked up we have a problem” my landlord said “what kind of problem” I got into my car “there has been a leak and you apartment has been hit the worst” he told me “what no. Okay I’ll be there to sort out my stuff” he told me okay then hung up.

Ellie walked past and noticed my annoyance “you okay Spence?” she came over to me “no my flats flooded and I need to go sort it out and find a hotel for a while” I complain “oh. Well why don’t I help you” I look at her “really?” she nods “yeah just let me get changed and I’ll help. Hell you can even stay with me if you want I have a sofa bed that’s all free” she readjusts her bag “thanks Ellie”

I return back to my apartment after giving Ellie the details, everything’s a mess I start to pack some clothes. An hour later there is a knock on the door and Ellie is there smiling in some joggers and a tank top “so where do you want to start” she claps her hands together “err packing up my books” she nodded and we found some boxes.

We finished packing my books and moved onto other stuff “so do you read any fiction” she questions me “no I read no fiction and not much in English” she shakes her head “wow well you’ll find nothing but fiction at mine so if you ever get bored help yourself” she lift a box onto a table “and finished” she blows a piece of her hair away “yeah” I grab my bag that I packed earlier


Me and Spencer arrived back at my apartment (pic on the side) it was homely and to my taste. I dropped Spencer’s bag near the sofa “so what would you like anything to eat” I ask “whatever you’re making” he looks around. I head in the kitchen and begin to make some noodles given it was late and I was beyond tired “foods ready” I found him reading Twilight “okay” he closed the book and followed me to the table where I gave him food “looks nice” he began to dig in “taste nice as well” he complemented “thank you. Oh and thank you for carrying me to bed the first night in Ohio”

“its alright to be honest I didn’t know what to do the others suggested it” he took another mouthful “so I saw you reading Twilight” I smirked “well we were on a case once and I had no idea what it was so I saw it and find out why people are obsessed with it” he said “good luck with that. I love it to death but we have different minds you look at logic and statistics” I smiled he wouldn’t get it

I brought down bed stuff and set up the sofa bed “thanks again Ellie” he came to help me “its no problem what are friends for” I shake a pillow “you consider me a friend” I looked at him puzzled “of course what else would you be?” he looks down “just a college” he answered “no Spence you’re a friend and one of the people who has made me feel welcomed in the B.A.U” I finished up the bed “well if you need anything I’m upstairs” I’m a heavy sleeper so good luck on trying to wake me up”

I headed for upstairs and changed in to my night wear I looked over the balcony “night Spencer” he looked up “night...Ellie” he stuttered.

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