Chapter 6

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We found this little cafe and we ordered food, “okay spill” she took he jacket off “nothing to say really Hotch and JJ lied” I looked down a waitress brought us our drinks “Spencer I know it hard but it was all to protect Emily” she took my hand “I know but Emily was my best friend and she died and we buried her.” I twirled “yes a part of Emily died they part you grew too knew and love...” I cut her off “they lied to us Ellie. That just doesn’t go away. 10 weeks I went over to JJ and cried because I lost a friend and she just sat there and said nothing”

She came and sat next to me and wrapped and arm around me “listen to me Spencer. I know you believed them and that’s alright, it’s the same thing for you being pissed at them.” She pulled me close “why didn’t I see it I’m a profiler” she made me look at her “none of this was your fault you were upset. Look Spencer I may not have been here long but do you really think Emily or the others had a choice she was in danger and she could have out the rest of you in it too.” I sighed and leaned my head on her shoulder

“why does it seem we’ve known each other for longer but it’s only been a short about of time” she questioned “for one I don’t have an answer” she laughed “wow been here a week and I’ve managed to confuse you of some sorts” our food arrived and she took her place at the other side of the table “thanks for letting me talk to you” I gave her a weak smile “no problem2 and we started eating

Coming out of the Cafe we noticed it turned cold but the sun was still shining, we walked back but she tripped and I caught her “whoa there” I brought her back up, her face was inches from mine “thanks” she whispered. I don’t know what happened but I kissed her then she kissed back. Once we parted, we looked at each other and I let her go “erm, I...I...” she giggled “lets talk about this after work” I nodded and we went back to work.

I took off my coat off and sat at my desk I couldn’t stop think about that kiss. “Kid” I looked at Morgan “yeah fine” I brushed him of “hey kid I know when something up so tell me” I shook my head and went to the gents. I washed my face “is it to do with the whole Emily being back” he questioned “no.” I sighed “if I tell you something it just stays between us” he nodded I had to tell someone I was going mad “I kissed Ellie” he looked shocked “wow” was all he said  “did she kiss back?” I nodded “well done man. But what’s the problem” I sat on the sink

“Nothing, it just it like when I was on Dilaudid I forget everything and it makes me weird and not focused and I can’t help but want more.” I explained “kid that’s called love” he slapped my back “how can I be love I haven’t known her that long and loves is just a chemical” I stated


“Reid use all the science you want but your falling hard and fast for this girl chemicals or not your attracted to her” I told him “but what if she doesn’t like back” he looked so innocent “she kissed you back didn’t she that means there has to be something there” he nodded and we left the gents

Ellie was sitting at her desk daydreaming I decided to leave it I promised Spencer I wouldn’t say anything. I looked at  Reid  who was staring at her I chucked scrap paper at him he looked at me I laughed “what’s so funny” Ellie turned to us “oh nothing Reid is having a staring problem” I shake my head

Why couldn’t they admit they were falling for each other it is so obvious even Hotch and Rossi see it. “guys” Hotch called us to the conference room. They other sat down and Emily came in no one apart from JJ and Hotch looked at her.

He began talking about Doyle and how Emily had sorted things for him and this case was over (i know it happened different in the show please don’t hate me) and that we had 48 hours off all of us shot up out of our seats and left 

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