Chapter 3

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Christina POV

Here I am siting at this table with my family that I haven't seen in years. My mom insists that me and Lola sit by her because she said that she wanted to get to know us better. We haven't eaten yet because we are apparently waited for someone else to come to dinner. We were all having a good time catching up when the doorbell rung. Minutes later a light skin women with black hair came in and kissed my dad. I was so confused like I knew my mom and dad weren't married anymore but I didn't expect him to move on. Especially to some one who looks like that. She said hello to everyone except my mom, then she turned and looked at me squinting her eyes before she said.

" You must be another one Cookie's clients I'm Anika." Anika said as she reached her hand out.

"My name is Christina and I'm not one of Cookie's clients and I don't shake hands." I said looking at her hand.

Anika slowly put her hand down and sat in her seat still looking at me as well was everyone else. The cook brung out the food and we started eating and having a conversation like Anika wasn't even there.

"So when is Lola birthday?" Jamal asked

" June 21"i replied

"We got the same birthday" Jamal said with excitement in his voice.


"Chrissy who did your hair?" Mom asked.

"I did it myself. Why?" I asked curious.

" You must got a lot of skills cause your hair looks good. You going to have to hook your mother up sometime." She said impressed.

" Anytime. Doing hair is like a hobby for me. I do Lola's all the time when she lets me.She likes when her hair is out and big."

" Your father had a lot of hair like that back in the day" Making me and the boys laugh.

" What is so funny" Dad asked confused as to why we were laughing.


"You sure you did Lola's hair?" Anika said.

" I'm sure I would know that I did something that took me 2 hours to do." I replied with angry.

" Cause it don't look like you did anything to it. It looks like a damn bird nest" she said finally speaking out.

" Don't talk about her hair because it don't look like yours if you haven't notice she has more hair then you ,and like I said before she likes to wear her hair out all the time. And let's not forget that she definitely has a different grain of hair then you do so stay out my daughters head please" I said releasing my anger on her.

The room grew quiet after I said that but she had to realize that people do different stuff with their hair they don't all have that haircut she got. After a while my dad decided to speak up and continue the conversation that we were having before Anika ruined it.

" So Chrissy what's your occupation?" Dad asked me.

"Don't have one ,never did have one." I said truthfully.

"So what were you doing back at home far as work?" Andre said in interested.

" Like I said before I never had a job never had the time to get a job. My job was taking care of Lola."i repeated.

" Chrissy you know how I feel about that. Remember what I used to tell you"Get your hustle on don't let the man hustle for you" she resigned what she used to tell me before she went to jail.

" I know I'm sorry I wasn't focus on that." I said telling the truth. I was focus on getting my ass out of there and keeping me and Lola alive.

" Well would one of you loving, caring beautiful people minds me and Lola staying with y'all for a little bit?" I said trying to persuade someone into letting us stay with them until I get my own money.

" Sorry I got a wife" Andre replied.

" Sorry but you never know one day I might get my groove back and y'all can't be there when that happens." Mom replied with a smirk on her face.

" Your right I don't won't to hear that and I sure don't want Lola to hear that and ask question" I told her making it clear that the day she gets her groove back that I don't want to be anywhere around.

" I got a girl" Hakeem replied.

"You could always stay with me Chrissy" Dad said in a caring, loving voice.

I wouldn't mind staying with my dad it just that Anika lives here and she left a very sour taste in my mouth from that first impression she gave off.

" Um no offense dad but I don't think I can stay with you... I love you to death I just can't have us all stay under this one roof." I said trying to be conservative of his feeling while telling him the truth.

" You can stay with me" Jamal said .

"Really?" I asked out of excitement.

"Of course"

" Thanks mal"

After a couple of hours everyone was packed and ready to leave.

" Ok Chrissy I want to see you and Cookie and Anika tommorow morning bright and early." Dad said while hugging everyone goodbye.

At Jamal's house

"Christina this is my boyfriend Michael and Michael this is my sister Christina and my niece Lola." Jamal introduce.

We both greeted each other then Jamal showed me and Lola to our room and to everything important we needed. After A while Jamal left and me and Lola hopped in the bed so we can be up bright and early tomorrow morning.

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