Chapter 8

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{Rakim POV}

We are all sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell us what happened to Chrissy.

"Rakim how did you know all that stuff about Chrissy and Kareem relationships?" Lucious asked.

" Um the night you and Chrissy had the talk at the resturant when I went to check on her she told me that Kareem had put his hands on her and Lola that why her hair is so low over her eyes and that's why Lola were long sleeve shirts and pants all the time. Plus me and Chrissy have been talking and she told me everything from why she had to stay to how she left him." I answered .

"Lola come her baby." Cookie instructed .

Once Lola walked over to cookie she tried lifting Lola sleeves and shirt to search for bruises but Lola fought her.

" Lola keep still"

"No Kareem told me not to let anyone do that"

" Lola it's ok Kareem isn't coming back" Cookie said trying to comfort lola.

Lola just nodded and turn back around. Cookie lifted up her shirt in the back and looked for bruises. Then she lifted her sleeves on her shirt.

" She has faded bruises. They look like a switch or belt buckle hit her."

"Kareem hit me with a belt he was angry." Lola said crying.

"Lola it's ok do you wanna come to the vending machine with me?" I asked.

She nodded while looking down. So I walked over and picked her up and went to the vending machine."

"What do you want Lola? "

"Gummies please"

" sure thang"

After I got Lola's gummy bears and apple juice we sat at a table while she ate.

"Lola you know you don't have to be scared right"

She didn't say anything just shook her head no slightly.

" Lola look at me"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I love you and you mother very much and I won't let anything happen to you ever. If anything is wrong or you need me for anything you just tell me. You under stand me?"


"Your ready to see your mommy now."

"Yes please"

I picked her up and threw away the trash and we walked back to the waiting room to see her family gone meaning the doctor came out when we were gone. So we asked the receptionist what room Chrissy was in.

"Excuse me what room is Chrissy Lyon in?"

"She is in room 579 through  that hall" she said pointing in the direction of the hall.


While we're walking down the hall Lola got sleepy and laid her head in my neck and started to go to sleep. Once we reach the door Lola was already asleep so I just laid her down on the couch in Chrissy's hospital room before checking on Chrissy.

"How you doing Chrissy? "


"So what caused you to pass out?"

"I was having a panic attack and stressing on top of that."

"Well you don't gotta worry about that anymore."

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