Chapter 4

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Christina POV

Me and Lola woke up early this morning so we can get to this meeting at Empire. Of course when we got to the meeting room everyone was there except Anika ,so we had to wait.

30 Minutes Later

Finally Anika came so we could get start the meeting thirty minutes late.

"Bout time" I mumbled quietly.

" I called this meeting because Chrissy I know you have talent since you were little you always wanted to sing. Now I am giving you a chance to make that this happen" dad said looking at me.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I want to sign you to empire" he replied putting a contract in front of me.

"What's the catch?"

" There is no catch. I want to sign you to Empire and Anika would be your manager an-"

"There's the catch. She ain' going to be my manager" I interrupted.

"I'm sure the correct terminology is "She's not going to be my manager"or" She will not be my manager ""Anika tried to correcting me.

"Don't correct me"I snapped." Why would I want her to be my manager when she can't even be on time for a damn meeting!"

"Baby girl,Anika is good with the music and she is the head of A&R."

" I don't care what she is. You said she good with music I want someone better then just good."

"Now you look here little g-" she stood up

"Look here bitch. To you I might be a little girl. But I'll show you Im a grown ass women by whopping your ass like one" I said standing up face her.

"HEY!!HEY!!HEY Now look this is not about boo-boo kitty this is about Chrissy and her music career " she said earning everyone's attention " Now Chrissy do you want the deal?" She asked me.

" Yes but I don't want her to be my manager"

" Fine you sign that contract and I'll be your manager."

" Cookie you can barely handle Jamal , what makes you think that you can handle Christina?" Anika said.

"I can handle them because they're my kids." She said as she walked out.

I signed the contract and my dad told me I would be going by my middle name which is Rihanna.

" I know you have some songs written already, so I want you in the studio tomorrow bright and early."

" How do you know I have songs written?"

" Cause your my child, and I know everything." He said walking out.

He is way too cocky.

The Next Day

"Jamal can you come to the studio with me please "

" Why you are you going to the studio?"

Returning To The EmpireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora