Chapter 13

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August POV
I just got a call from Neya's mom saying that she wants to go though with the surgery. I was kind of nervous, this was my kids mother so I didn't want her to die. But most importantly this was my friend, and someone that I'm in love with still. I didn't want to loose her either. I was walking into the cafeteria to talk to Mani and Chris about the news. I walked in and sat besides Chris.
Me: Wassup y'all.
Chris: Wassup man.
Mani: Hey.
Me: Look mani I just wanna say sorry for mak-
Mani: Aye, it's ok. I was heated and confused and I took it out on you. I'm sorry.
She smiled at me. I nodded my head.
Chris: So you hear from anybody yet?
Me: Yeah, that's what I came to talk to y'all about. Neya's mom called me back and said they wanted to go with the surgery.
Mani sighed.
Chris: Damn man.
Me: I know, but we gotta stay positive. If we think positive then the outcome will be positive.
Chris: Exactly.
Me: Let's do this for mani y'all.
They nodded their heads agreeing with me.
Mani: Yeah.
••• 6 hours after•••
Armani POV
After we told the doctor our decision, he immediately went into surgery. Neya was getting her well needed rest but I was in Anya's room watching her sleep. She still was sleep due to all the medications she had to take. But just seeing her kind of made me feel better in a way. Chris and August were at their hotel taking their showers and stuff. Chris pissed me off all over again because he says he has "feelings" for Deserai but acts totally different. I don't understand him and his stupid ass ways. So for now I'm just going to stay away from him. I was fine without him before he came back in my life so it's nothing to kick him back out. I was on my phone checking my Instagram when I seen stuff from my fans. They made collages of me, Anya, and Neya. They made me smile because they were so supportive of me. Even though this singing shit just started for me I was still in the media for Chris. I hosted shows, did movies and modeled my ass off. All of a sudden I see Anya's hand move. I instantly looked up at her and she was awake. I got up and hugged softly.
Me: OMG! Anya, OMG!
She coughed which caused me to pull up a chair close to her. I held her hand.
Anya: What happened?
I sighed.
Me: Everything Anya.
She coughed.
Anya: He broke my nose huh?
I nodded my head.
Anya: Damn and busted my lip?
I nodded.
Anya: Nigga beat my ass. Where's Neya?
I sighed.
Me: He shot her.
I frowned.
Anya: What?!
Me: Don't yell, that's Going to make your heart beat slow down.
Anya: What happened to her?
Me: She just got done with surgery, she's resting.
She sighed.
Anya: Thank god. Where's the guys at?
Me: Their getting freshened up.
She nodded her head.
Anya: How was your show? Oh my god I'm so mad I missed it.
I chuckled.
Me: It was good, but I wanted you guys to be there.
Anya: I'm so sorry I missed it mani.
Me: No, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. Im..
A tear rolled down my face.
Anya: Hey hey, stop that. It was not your fault. Don't you dare blame yourself for this.
I wiped my face.
Me: It's just, I looked out there and didn't see you guys and the reason was because someone was hurting y'all and I couldn't be there to help.
Anya: It's ok. I know if you could've you would've. Everybody is fine now.
She smiled. I chuckled.
Anya: Did you tell Chris how you felt?
I rolled my eyes and sniffed.
Me: Yea.
Anya: And?
Me: He said the same thing. He has feeling for me and Deserai. I'm not going to play this game with him. If that's who he's with then that's who he needs to be attending to. Not me.
Anya: I really wish he would just wake up.
Me: Don't we all.
She chuckled.
Anya: Has Neya's boyfriend been here?
I gasped.
Me: Oh shit I forgot about him.
She laughed.
Anya: Ahh, poor him. He probably bored. It's late as hell and he don't know where he at.
Me: I don't even know him number and I'm damn well not going back to the house alone.
Anya: Yeah, we definitely need a new neighborhood.
I sighed.
Me: Damn I really liked my house.
We laughed. Just then August came in the room and gasped.
August: OMG, my bestfriend is awake now!
We laughed.
Anya: Gay.
I giggled.
August: Nigga I'm not gay.
We laughed.
Mani: Stop talking to her like that.
He sat on the edge of my chair.
August: My bad, but how you feeling?
Anya: Alright, my nose hurt but ima OG.
We chuckled.
August: Yeah, y'all ain't gots to worry bout nothing. We gots these niggas on lock.
Anya: Mmm.
August: I'm forreal.
They laughed.
Me: I gotta go take a shower and stuff but I'll be back y'all.
Anya: Ok, hurry up though.
August: Yeah hurry up. Dot be touching yourself.
They laughed while frowned and hit him in his shoulder.
Me: Boy shutup.
I got up and left. I was walking out the room when I seen Chris in the hallway, on the phone.
"Aye I gotta go, bye."
He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He walked behind me and grabbed my hand.
Chris: What's wrong?
I pulled my hand back from him.
Me: Just, stay away from me.
Chris: Why you saying this?
Me: Why you talking to me?
Chris: What?
Me: Go talk to your bitch.
Chris: Mani-
Me: Forreal, I'm serious. Go talk to your bitch and stop leading other people on.
Chris: WHA-
Me: Matter of fact, go HOME! Why are you still here huh? Stop fucking with me when you have a whole bitch at home waiting to suck your dick.
I ran to the elevator and drove my little ass home. I couldn't stand that he had another bitch that had his heart. It made me regret leaving him. It made me regret forgiving him or even talking to him again, because now those old feeling are back. Damn it.
Hey so I've been thinking about making another Chris FANFICTION but I don't know yet. It's a lot already updating two stories at a time. But yeah comment, vote, and add this to your library.

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