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Armani P.O.V.
It's been 8 months and I've been living in Barbados ever since I left Atlanta. Things have really been at peace ever since I left. I found out my dad's been trying to reach me all along but my mom didn't want him to be in my life. Me and my mom aren't close at all. I don't want to ever talk to her because she was the reason I would cry myself to sleep at night. Anya moved out here with me when she got the chance to sell the store. I visit Janeya every month to make sure I'm in her and Brielle's life. When I came to Barbados I was lost and hurt, but now I'm totally healed and not afraid to love again. I changed my phone number since Chris wouldn't stop texting or calling me. I missed him so much but I had to leave. I was literally in a bad, unstable place. Janeya's birthday bash was on Saturday and of course I was invited. I'm really excited too celebrate with all my friends!!
Chris P.O.V.
It's been eight months since mani left. I used to ring her phone up every second but I eventually stopped. I loved her with everything I had but it takes two. I've gotten back in touch with Deserai and I've developed real serious feelings for her like, she's been real supportive and there for me when I needed her. We live together in L.A. Yes, I live in California. Atlanta was just to much memory from mani and I couldn't stay there. Janeya's having her 23rd Birthday party this Saturday and everyone's coming. I'm pretty sure mani is going to be there. If she is... If don't know how'll I'll act.
Anya P.O.V.
It's been 8 months since I've left Atlanta to live in Barbados with Mani. She wanted me to move with her and since me and GiGi didn't work out I had nothing to lose. GiGi was a fraud and she was not the person I thought she was. She played me by being involved with two people while we were together. One was a girl, one was a boy. I was really hurt by her doing that. I thought we were the perfect match even though we were lesbians. I had to shut the store down in ATL before I left and went with mani. I left like four months ago. We visit Janeya and Brielle every month just to make sure we don't forget about them, and they don't forget about us. Janeya's turning 23 On Saturday and I'm excited. It's gonna be lit and I heard Chris is going to be there. Hopefully nothing wierd happens.
Janeya P.O.V.
It's been eight months since I moved out to L.A and I love it here. Sunny weather, business opportunities, and lots of parties! As a mother I spend all the time I can with my child but I'm only 22, and I'm turning 23 on saturday. Im one of the young mothers, and I consider my very interactive in my daughters life. Since I left Atlanta, a lot of things changed. I found out that the symptoms that I thought were pregnancy symptoms were Flu symptoms. I met a guy named Jaylen and we've been dating for about six months now. He's very caring and he loves Brielle. He also has a 1 year old daughter named Mia. I've met her two times throughout the whole six months. She's a very nice, quiet, little girl. It's just her Moma that makes me wanna stay away from her. Me and August are over. He comes and sees Brielle Every other week. He's a relationship with a girl named Kaliyah. She's from New Orleans and she owns a beauty shop down there. To me she cool. I don't have nothing against her because me and August aren't like that anymore. To be completely honest August is like my guy bestfriend. After all that stuff went down we found out we weren't meant to be and co-parented ever since then. He's actually easier like this instead of always gone. He's invited to my birthday bash also.
August P.O.V.
It's been eight months and a lot has passed. I ended my relationship with Neya but we have the best friendship. I feel like I for have to lie or anything no more to make her stay because we totally honest with each other now. She lives all the way out in L.A and I visit her and Brielle every other week. I got my own condo down there so I'm not staying in a hotel or at her house when I see Brielle.Im in a great relationship with a woman named Kaliyah. She lives in New Orleans and she has her own business. I met her when Chris had that accident at that one hospital. Yes, that's the fine ass nurse that caught my attention. She's very good with Brielle. Janeya is having her birthday bash on Saturday and she invited me. Can't wait to TURNUP!

Janeya in multimedia

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