Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We had been travelling for about four hours and I still had no idea where we were going, if I didn’t actually know Andre, I might have thought he was kidnapping me, but I trusted him and his family, well maybe not so much him.

I sighed, really not wanting to do the job Lisa wanted me to. Checking my phone I realized I had a new message from her, she was just checking to see if everything was going to plan.

After what seemed like an hour or more, we finally stopped and got down. Out of all the places I was expecting us to go, a forest was the last on my list.

“Where are we?” I asked Andre confused.

“We are in a forest! Can’t you see?” He replied sarcastically.

“I can see that stupid!” shaking his head he walked off to help his brothers with whatever they were doing. Aaron and Andrew hadn’t really said much the whole time in the car, in fact I could only remember them talking to each other.  But as I got closer, I could hear them arguing. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but I was curious.

“You have to tell her!” a voice whispered harshly.

“Mum and dad will be angry if I tell,” replied Andre.

“Yeah, well don’t you think they would be angrier that you weren’t careful enough? You nearly got shot and now she knows something is up!”

“Guys be quite!” said a voice sounding a lot like Aaron. “She might hear you.”

They lowered their voices and I could barely hear what they were saying. I backed away from them so I couldn’t hear anymore.

What could they possibly be hiding from me? Maybe they stole the money that they have. Or perhaps they were… I froze, no, no; get that thought out of your head hazel. This is Wendy we’re talking about; she couldn’t possibly be a murderer, could she? Oh no, maybe they were trying to kidnap me after all. This was not good, not good at all.

Without thinking I ran as fast as I could in no particular direction. I had to get away from them. I kept running until my feet collapsed under me. I sat under a tree panting and trying to get my breath back. I suddenly heard a hissing sound and turned around to discover a snake. I screamed at the top of my lungs; probably not the best thing to do. The snake extended its head and bit me. I screamed again and everything went black.


I could feel something in my leg; it was stinging me and slowly creeping up my leg. It took me a while to realize what it was. The pain kept getting worse; I reached my hand down to touch my leg, my eyes still closed, instantly I regretted it. I winced as the pain became greater.

“She moved!” someone called out. I opened my eyes and shut them again. From what I could see, I was in a room, lying on a bed.

“She’s finally coming around,” stated a voice I recognized as Andre. Well at least there was someone I knew with me. I opened my eyes again, but this time managed to keep them open. Smiling at Aaron, Andrew and Andre, I tried to sit up.

“Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself,” commanded Aaron. I looked around taking in my surroundings; I was lying down on one of the four beds in the room.

“How long have I been out and where are we?” I was most probably only out for a couple of hour’s right?

“You have been knocked out cold for three days. We are still in the forest, but in a cabin.” said Andrew

“Three days?” I gasped. What happened to me? I gasped again, oh no the reason I ran away from them was because they were murderers and now I was in a room with all of them.

I saw Andre holding a needle in his hand. No, he was not sticking a needle in me, I wouldn’t let it happen.

“This will stop the poison from spreading and numb the pain a little, I found it in the first aid kit here,” he stated holding my leg. I stiffened getting ready for more pain. I waited for the pain to start, but it didn’t. I looked at him; he was already sitting down with his brothers.

“Aren’t you going to do it?” I asked confused.

“Already did,” he replied with that annoying smirk plastered on his face.

“Oh” I replied dumbly.

“Hmm, why did you run away?” he asked, Aaron and Andrew immediately looked interested, three pairs of eyes stared at me. I couldn’t tell them the truth; I had to think of something fast. I could feel my heart beating and the boys waiting for an answer

“I just needed to stretch my legs, we were driving for a long time you know,” I replied sighing. They looked at each other, Aaron shrugged. They seemed to buy it so I was proud of myself, what a great lie.

“We will be outside if you need us,” Andrew told me, walking out while his brothers followed him.

I felt sleep coming and refused to give in, I needed to be awake, ready and alert, I needed to think of an escape plan. They weren’t going to get me, I had to get away. Was this Lisa’s plan? To get me killed?  

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