Chocolate Covered Strawberries ;) (Zayn Malik)

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*taken from 1dzm*

I heard keys shuffling, the door swinging open and footsteps making their way in. Excitedly I stood up from my bed and made my way downstairs. Halfway down the stairs I recognized that he wasn't alone. I turned around and went to my closet, finding a cardigan and buttoning up my shirt I had left half open for Zayn. The long cardigan covered my ass more than my short little skirt I was wearing did. For the second time I made my way downstairs, but this time a little annoyed because I only expected my boyfriend, but that feeling disappeared very quickly when I realized how much I had missed both of them.

"Hey Harry!" I exclaimed and pulled him into a big long hug.

"Y/N!" Harry said and hugged me even closer. "I have missed you!"

"Awww, I've you missed you too," I pulled away and returned his big smile, when I felt two pair of familiar hands wrap around my waist.

Still standing behind me, Zayn kissed my cheek. I turned around and captured his lips with mines.

"I'll just go to the bathroom ..." I heard Harry mumble, knowing we needed a little time alone.

I managed to let out "Mmmm ..." that actually wasn't a response to his question, but more of a reaction to Zayns passionate kiss.

Wrapping my hands around his neck, I deepened the kiss. The grip around my waist tightened and he lifted me off the ground. Zayn was spinning me around causing me to break out in laughter.

"Stop it!" I tried to scream in between my laughter, but he didn't stop nor did he answer, but joined in laughing.

"ZAAAAYN, I am dizzy!" finally he stopped after I said this.

When he put me down he took my hands in his and just stood there gazing at me catching my breath. I looked up at him and his eyes were boring into mines.

"Whatcha staring at, baby?" I said and let out a little laugh.

His eyes lit up as the corners of his mouth turned up a little bit. His hands let go of mine and found their way up to my cheeks.

"" he said while pecking my lips for every word causing me to laugh again.

We just stood there getting lost in each other's eyes, when I felt my eyes getting blurry and my lips started so shake.

Oh god, it was so unbelievable how much I had missed his lips, eyes, hands, warmness, scent, kisses, cuddles, his morning voice, kissable cheeks, messy hair, his touch, absolutely the whole him.

I sneaked my arms around his torso and hid my head in the crook of his neck, fighting the tears from falling. He snuggled me in his arms and patted my back with his hand.

"Heeey baby ..." he cooed.

When I heard the bathroom door open, I sniffled and pulled away. I smiled shyly at him and pecked his lips quickly before I turned around and made my way to the kitchen.

"Luckily for you guys, I have made a loooot of food!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"Thanks God, I am literally starving!" Harry said and followed me. "I seriously can't handle plane food!"

"Mmhmm, right?" I said agreeing with him. "It tastes so bad and fake." I handed 3 plates for him to set the table.

"Mmhmm!" he mimicked me, making us both giggle. I set the plate with food on the table and playfully hit his arm. When Zayn came downstairs after changing into more comfy clothes, we sat around the table and ate.

Over an hour passed and we were just sitting there eating, talking and laughing. "So, should we clean up?" I said and started stabling the plates.

"Yes! I can help you, Y/N" Harry said and stood up. He balanced the rest of the plates on his hands and followed me to the kitchen.

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