Chapter 12: Make A Wish

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*Seth's POV*  

     As we drive in silence I take my right hand off the steering wheel and reach over to grab her hand. She gratefully takes it and I pull my eyes away from the road to look at her and give her a smile. She squeezes my hand and smiles back.

  "You make me feel so special. Thank you Seth." She says quietly.

   "No, thank you. I only treat you special because you ARE special. You're special to me." She blushes and looks down to our entwined fingers.  I turn back to the road right in time to see the turn coming into view.

  I pull into the parking lot of the beach and find a nice spot to park. Since it was dark no one was here and I had the whole parking lot to choose from. I cut off the engine and turn to Ella to see her give me a curious look.

  "The beach?" She asks.

  "Yup. I have something special to show you." I get out and walk over to the trunk of the car to grab a towel. I close the trunk with a thud and sling the towel onto me arm and meet Ella waiting in front of the car where  I reach out for her hand. It was pretty dark, I was sure she wouldn't be able to see the way.

  I guide her over to the middle of the beach where I stop and let go of her hand and tell her to step back. She moves out of the way while I spread the towel on the ground. I sit down and tell her to follow. When we both are ready I lay down onto my back, her right next to me, and I grab her hand.

  "So? What did you want to show me?" She asks with curiosity visible in her voice. I look down at my watch for the time. It would start any minute now.

   "Well I brought you here to see...that." I say raising my arm in the air to point put the beams of light shooting across the sky.

   "Shooting stars?!" She says excitedly and I look over and smile at her.

   "Pretty isn't it?" I ask and she turns to look at me.I get lost in her beautiful green eyes.

   "Really pretty. Now shhh I need to make a wish." She turns back into her original position and closes her eyes. I watch as she makes her wish and when she's finished she turns back to me and sees me watching.

  "Did you make a wish?" She asks.

   "No, I actually already had one, but only one person can make that wish of mine come true." She raises her eyebrows.

   "Who's that?" She asks.

    "You." I whisper out, never breaking eye contact.

    "Me?" I nod to answer her question.

     "Ella? I really like you, and please give me a chance. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. Voice a little shaky because I was nervous. But to my excitment, a huge smile spreads across her face.

  "I thought you'd never ask." She unexpectedly rushes forward and smashes her lips against mine. I was caught off guard but after a few seconds I melt into her lips and my heart starts to flutter.  But because of this kiss, I took it as a yes.

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