Chapter Eighteen

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"This hotel looks creepy." Mike said as he slowly crawled out of the car and shut the door. I took his hand in mine and sent him a soft smile.

"It'll be okay, Mikey. We'll only be here for tonight. Just don't look inside the closets and under the bed." I teased. He playfully rolled his eyes.

We all walked inside and stood behind Jaime as he talked to the lady at the front desk. She gave us a key to the room and we took an elevator there. I felt nausea wash over me. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked. I opened one of my eyes and looked at him.

"I feel sick."


"Yeah." I said with a sigh and held to my tummy. Mike kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You can lay down when we get to our room."

The elevator came to a stop. As soon as the doors opened, Jaime and Tony rushed out, nearly falling over each other, and ran to the room. Since they were first, they got the best bed. While me and Mike got the smaller one.

"I think I'm gonna puke." I groaned as I laid on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked. Mike sat beside me and rubbed my tummy.

"I feel sick." I answered in a groan.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital." Jaime said. I quickly jumped up from the bed and ran into the bathroom.

* * * * *


"Is he sick?" Tony asked. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

"I don't know. He seems fine it's just all the sudden he feels sick."

Jaime began to giggle while looking at me and then Tony.

"What are you giggling about?" Tony asked.

"Dude, what if Vic was pregnant?" He asked. My eyes went wide and I began to laugh.

"That's funny, but impossible." I said.

"Yeah. Mike would bottom anyway." Tony said. "Because he's younger."

"Nu uh. Vic would bottom because he's shorter." Jaime said.

"No. Mike."



"Tony, Vic bottomed."


All the I could do was sit and blush as they argued about who bottomed. After a few more seconds later Vic appeared at the doorway.

"Okay. I'm okay now." Vic said as he took a seat beside me on the bed.

"Vic, who the fuck bottomed?" Jaime asked. A blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Umm, why?"

"Because if you bottomed, you could be pregnant because you're puking. And you're shorter than Mike, so... you bottomed, didn't you?"

Vic chuckled. "I can't be pregnant. Are you crazy?"

"See, Mike bottomed." Tony whispered.

"Why are we talking about this?" I whined. Jaime busted into laughter.

"Vic... Vic is pregnant. Ugh... that's-that's funny." He talked through his laughter and held to his tummy. "Tony... can't breathe. Ugh. Okay, I'm good."

"Let's just go to sleep." Tony said as he slapped the back of Jaime's head. He pouted but quickly crawled into his bed, Tony following behind him.

"Are you okay now?" I whispered to Vic as I rubbed his tummy. He nodded and kissed my nose.

"I'm okay now."

I wrapped my arm around him and snuggled into his warm chest. He kissed the top of my head before nuzzling my hair.

"Hey, Mike, wanna hear a scary story?" Jaime asked. I shook my head.

"No. I don't want to hear another one of your stupid, scary stories." I said. He chuckled.

"But this one is real."

"Okay. Tell us." Vic whispered. Fuck.

"Just make it quick." I groaned.

"Okay, so, Mike, you know there was a woman who stayed in the hotel. And one night, when everyone was asleep, she swallowed her tongue. Now she haunts the place. She walks around in the hallways at night and peeks into the rooms. And for the people who aren't sleeping, she comes inside the room and rips out their tongue." He said slowly. I held tighter onto Vic and swallowed hard.

"That is the stupidest shit I have heard." Tony mumbled sleepily.

"Vic, I'm scared." I whispered. He chuckled.

"It isn't true, Mikey. You don't have anything to be scared about."

"Oh, it's true." Jaime assured. "Anyway, goodnight guys. You better hurry and get to sleep, Mike. She'll be coming soon."

"Vic, I'm scared." I whispered, but he was already asleep. I swallowed hard and squeezed him tighter. I shut my eyes, but I kept opening them to make sure she didn't come into the room.

"Jaime? Tony?" I whispered. But their light snores told me they were sleeping.

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping to fall asleep soon. I was scared. Jaime just had to tell me that stupid story!

I looked up at Vic, his eyes shut gently and little snores escaping his mouth. I giggled quietly before I kissed his nose.

"Goodnight, angel." I whispered before I shut my eyes. I cleared the scary thoughts from my head and thought about what it would be like if Vic did have a baby. Soon after, sleep fell over me.

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