Chapter Five

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My heart felt broken. Destroyed. As if it could never be fixed. I knew it. I knew they were in love. I could tell by the way they kissed and shared looks and laughs. They seemed like the perfect couple. And they were. They were happy together, which was good, because all I want is for my big brother to be happy.

"Have a good night, Vic." Kellin whispered before he kissed Vic's cheek. Vic kissed his nose and then he left, returning home.

"So," Vic turned his attention to me. But I wasn't in the mood to talk right now.

"I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. Night." I spoke softly before I ran for my room. I took my clothes off and slipped on some warm pajamas before crawling into bed. I pulled the cover up to my chin and sighed.

"You're adorable." Kellin said to Vic softly. Vic's cheeks lit up and he smiled. Kellin pressed his lips against Vic's, kissing him softly. The two were acting as if I wasn't even there. They were completely ignoring me.

"I love you." Kellin whispered when the kiss ended. Vic looked over at me and back at Kellin.

"I love you." Vic whispered.

I shook my head from the events that happened today and closed my eyes. I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I was beginning to get frustrated.

Minutes turned into hours and I was just laying in bed, wide awake. I want someone to be here with me. I want someone to kiss me and cuddle me and talk to me until I fall asleep. I want Vic.

A loud crack of thunder jumped me out of my thoughts. I felt my eyes get wide and I squeezed my pillow. I don't know why, but for some reason thunder scared me.

I sat up in bed and held my pillow to my chest. It continued to thunder outside, so I slid it out bed and crept into Vic's room. He laid in his bed, sleeping peacefully. He was so cute.

I poked him and shook him until his brown eyes popped open. He yawned before speaking.

"Is something wrong, Mikey?" He asked.

"Its thundering and I'm scared. Can I sleep with you?" I asked. He moved over and held up the comforter, letting me know to get under, which I did. Everything felt so warm and snuggly.

We weren't right next to each other, but he wrapped his arm around me. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand and he fell back to sleep.

I looked at his beautiful face, not seeing any flaws at all. Not even one. He's perfect and everyone knows it's true. Kellin was so lucky to have someone so wonderful.

"You're beautiful." I whispered, but he was sleeping. He didn't move at all, so I continued on. "I love you, Vic. Why can't you love me? Why does it have to be Kellin?"

I sighed and moved closer to his face. I have to do this. At least once. He won't know anyway. So I did it, I pressed my lips against his. I didn't move them, because I didn't want to wake him. I just held my lips on his, and I could've held them there forever. They felt soft and nice. I like them.

But I soon pulled away, and I looked at his beautiful face again. I once again spoke.

"I wish you were mine. I'd be so so so lucky. I'd never let you go. I know it's weird, I shouldn't love you, but damn I love you so much it hurts." I said before I wiped a tear that was sliding down my cheek. "You'll never know though, but you love Kellin. And I can tell he loves you. And I swear to God, if he ever hurts you I will kill him without hesitation, because I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

I sniffled and wiped my eyes again. "I wish I could lay here forever with you. I wish I could be with you forever. I want you, Vic. But... You're happy and that's all that matters."

I sighed and moved a piece of his hair away from his face. I smiled and wiped my tears again. "I love you, darling. I want to be with you forever and always. I want to be the one to kiss you. I want you to be my husband, Vic. You're all I want and need, but I can't have you. But, I guess that's okay. I know I'll never find someone like you, but I will eventually move on." I said assuringly.

I then snuggled into his chest and cried. All night I cried and sobbed in the man's chest that I love.

* * * *

I sighed once I had finished telling Tony everything that happened last night. I wiped my tears and sniffled.

"That's so sad but sweet." Tony whispered.

"I don't know why I get so emotional over this." I groaned, rubbing my tired eyes. Tony wrapped his arms around me, giving me a comforting hug.

"It'll be alright, Mike. Something good will happen, I know it." He whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back.

I hoped he's right.

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