Chapter Two

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The warm sunlight from the window shone on my face, waking me up. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, hoping Vic would be there. But it turned out, I was alone. Mom and dad was probably gone to work, and Vic was probably still at his boyfriend's.

"Damn it." I whispered and ran my fingers through my tangly hair. I hopped back up the stairs and into my room, where I put on fresh clothes. I brushed my tangled hair and sat by the window, watching and waiting for Vic to return home.

* * * * * *


"Do you have to go?" Kellin asked, pouting. I smiled at how cute he looked and pressed my lips against his, giving him a short kiss.

"I'm sorry, but I should go. Mike doesn't like being alone, and mom and dad are probably gone to work." I said before he gently pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was short and sweet at first, just like the one a second ago, but he kissed me deeper and rougher. I quickly pulled away, because I didn't really want to kiss him, because the bad thoughts about Mike would come back.

"I should go now." I said softly. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'll be okay. I'll see you later, Kells." I said before I placed a kiss on his cheek and left, gently shutting the door behind me.

I headed my way home, which was only around ten minutes away. I rushed home, practically running the whole way there. I wanted to see Mike. I couldn't wait to see him.

And finally, I was at my front door, slowly twisting the knob. I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. And then I heard running footsteps.

"Vic!" Mike cheered as he grabbed me in his arms, swinging me around. I giggled.


"I missed you." He said as he sat me down. "It was so lonely and boring without you!"

I smiled and kissed his forehead. "I missed you too, my sweet little brother."

He giggled childishly. "So, anything interesting happen at Kellin's?" He asked.

Nothing other then thinking of you all night. "Nope. Not really. How about you?"

He shook his head with a smile on his face. "Nothing. But... I was hoping we could play video games and stuff." He said shyly and looked down as he picked at his long sleeves.

"Of course."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Good. Come on. You can pick out the game." He said before he grabbed my hand. I felt a shock run through me, which I shouldn't feel, but, I liked it.

He led me to his room and he plopped down on the floor. He pulled out some video games from a shelf and spread them on the floor.

"It isn't all of them... but I know it's the ones you like and umm yeah." He said with an adorable little smile on his face. And if it wouldn't have freaked him out, I would've kissed him then and there.

"How about you pick? Any game is fine by me." I said. He looked over the games and hummed. He suddenly smiled and reached for a game. He held it up to me.

"Can we play this awesome, magical game?" He asked, holding up a Harry Potter game. I chuckled and sat on the floor beside him.

"Yeah." Was all I said before I picked up the controller.

* * *

"When are mom and dad coming back?I'm hungry." Mike whined. "Vic, I'm hungry! I'm about to die from starvation! Do you want that?"

"No, but you aren't going to die. You ate like two hours ago." I said, not looking away from the television.

"But that was two hours ago!" He whined and pouted.

"They'll be home soon." I assured him.

"Fix me some brownies." He demanded. I groaned.

"Fix them yourself."

"You're lazy. Vic, you're a lazy brother."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I mumbled.

"Boys! We're home!" Mom's voice yelled from downstairs.

"Thank sweet baby Jesus! Food!" Mike cheered and took off running downstairs. I smiled at his childish acts and turned the television off, going downstairs with my family.

Mike sat at the kitchen table, stuffing his face with a taco. He held it up to me.

"Want a bite?" He asked with a mouthful, lettuce shooting out of his mouth and landing on the floor.

"No, thanks." I said with a chuckle. He shrugged and happily continued to eat his taco.

"So, how are you and Kellin doing?" Mom asked.

"We're good." I said quietly and faked a smile. She smiled and patted my back.

"Mikey, it's getting late. I think you should head to bed for school tomorrow." Dad said. Mike finished the small bite of his taco before speaking.

"I hate school. It ruins my life." He said and cleared his throat before continuing on. "Vic is lucky, he's nineteen and out of school. Can I just please drop out?"

"No." My parents said at once. Mike groaned and stood up from his seat and pushed his chair in.

"Fine. I'll just spend another year at that stupid, damn hellhole." He said and then his eyes went wide and he covered his mouth. "I swear I didn't say that." He said before he ran off to his room.


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