Chapter Seven

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I happily skipped to my locker and put in the simple combination. I pulled out the books I would need for the last lesson of the day. Only one more hour, then I'll be on my way home to my beautiful brother, who promised we'd watch movies today.

He confused me yesterday when he told me he didn't like the idea of me hanging out with Tony. Maybe he's afraid I'll get hurt. But I have nothing to worry about. Tony loves Jaime, and I see a beautiful, bright future for them.

I looked around in my locker and felt around for my journal. I searched my bag, but it wasn't there. I quickly began to panic. I wrote everything in that journal. Even the things about Vic. My fantasies, my jealous over Kellin, and my love for him.

I double checked my locker and bag, but still no luck. No, this can't be happening. If someone stole my journal, I was screwed.

"Hey, Fuentes." A devilish voice said behind me. I turned around to see Jack, Alex, and Andy. The journal, my journal, was held tightly in Alex's hand.

"Looking for this?" He asked. I was lost for words. They stole my journal. They know. They know about my feelings for Vic.

"You're really sick. Disgusting. Loving your own brother? I wonder what he would think of this..." Andy said.

"No! D-don't tell him!" I begged. They all chuckled before they threw the journal at me.

"You really think your own brother is gonna love you like that?" Jack asked. I stayed quiet. Of course he wouldn't.

"The fag is in love with his own brother." Alex said loudly, earning a few looks.

I felt like crying. I had never been so scared in my whole life. All I wanted was Vic to be here to protect me from all these mean people. And as they stepped closer to me, they continued to tell me how disgusting I was.

But the bell rang, making me jump. The three boys looked at each other and whispered something before nodding and walking away. I grabbed my journal, shoving it in my bag and slamming my locker. As I walked down the hallway to class, people were looking at me disgustingly, laughing, and whispering things.

I felt so uncomfortable. Everyone knew my secret. Those bastards told the whole school. I didn't know what to do. I was a mess. I wanted to cry, scream, and disappear. But the only thing I could do was hold back my tears and go to class.

* * * *

Class was terrible. I couldn't concentrate. Everyone kept looking at me, even the teacher. I kept counting down every minute until class was over.

All I wanted to do was go home and give Vic a hug. I need him to tell me everything is okay. I need him to comfort me. I need him to kiss me. I need him in every way possible.

"Going home to fuck your brother?" A voice stopped me. I was quickly pushed on the ground. And there stood the same three guys who stole my journal.

They all three got closer to me, hovering over top me. I felt so small and hopeless. I was silently praying to God that they would do anything, that they would let me go. But I guess God wasn't listening to me.

They began to hit me. Punching, and kicking, mostly my face. Nothing like this has happened to me before. I had never been hit like this. Was it going to be like this everyday now? Getting picked on and beat up just for loving someone?

After they were done, they ran off, laughing and I bet they were so proud of themselves. I just laid there in pain, trying to catch my breath. How could I go home? I couldn't let Vic and my parents see me like this. Hopefully they'll be gone and I can clean up before they get back.

After a few moments of laying there, I slowly stood up on my feet. I felt dizzy, but it soon pasted. I began to way home, which felt like it was forever away. My body was aching and I could feel warm blood on my face.

Eventually, I was home. I slowly twisted the knob and walked in, trying to be as quiet as I can, but I guess Vic was home and he heard me.

"Mikey, why are you late?" He asked before he looked up at me. He completely froze, and just stared at me. He suddenly jumped up and examined my face.

"Who the fuck did this to you?" He asked angrily. He balled his hands into fist and gritted his teeth.

"Just some guys at school." I whispered. He let out an angry sigh before he punched the wall. I closed my eyes. I never liked when he was angry, although I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

"Vic, please calm down." I said softly. "I don't like when you're mad. It scares me."

His expression softened and he quickly apologized. "Come on, let's clean you up." He said softly. I followed him into the bathroom, where I sat on the sink. I softly kicked my feet back and forth as he gather the supplies.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"Your lip is swollen and your nose is bloody. Your cheek may be a little swollen as well." He said quickly. I looked down at my hands that were in my lap.

"Look at me." Vic whispered. I lifted my head, my eyes meeting his beautiful brown ones. "Mikey, who did this? I need to know."

"Just some bullies at school." I whispered. He began to softly clean away the blood.

"Who would do this to someone so innocent and sweet?" He asked sadly. I just stayed quiet, not really feeling like speaking.

"If those bastards do this to you again I'm so kicking someone's ass." He said, making me smile a little. He tossed away the bloody piece of cloth and gently rubbed his thumb over my swollen cheek.

"Does that hurt?" He asked quietly, his eyes looking into mine.

"A little." I whispered. He moved his thumb down to my lip, caressing it.

"How about this?" He asked. I gave him a smile nod. He continued to look into my eyes. I think his eyes flicked down to my lips a few times. He began to lean closer, his lips only inches from mine.

I thought he was going to kiss me. I thought his lips were going to be on mine, moving gently and softly, but instead he backed himself away. He was just probably looking at my lip to examine it.

"Go lay down, you need some rest. I'll get you some ice for your cheek." He said. I nodded and listened to him, going to my room.

I laid on the bed, my sore body feeling a little relaxed. Only moments later Vic was back with an icepack. He gave it to me, which I softly laid on my cheek.

"Vic, will you cuddle me and tell me everything is going to be okay?" I quickly asked as he headed for the door. He smiled and nodded before he laid down beside me. He wrapped his strong arm around me as I snuggled into his chest.

"Everything is going to be okay, Mikey. I'm not going to let anyone touch you again. I'm going to protect you and keep you safe. Darling, you'll be okay." He whispered in my ear. I smiled brightly, those words making my heart skip a beat.

This moment with Vic felt perfect, and I wish it could last forever.

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