Chapter 13

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After the football incident we just continued walking on the beach for a while but things were different. I was starting to get really annoyed at the fact that every time Lucas was about to kiss me something happened. Sometimes I really hate my luck.
After we got to the car we just drove in silence until we were almost home. Lucas breaks the silence and says something that I was hoping he would say.
"Bella, would you be willing to do this again?" he asked his eyes trying not to look at me but I could see him squirming and his face turning slightly pink. Man he was so hot.
"Yes, I would love that." I replied softly looking at him.
"How about this Friday?"
"Sure. Pick me up at 6." I said
By that time we had returned to my house and as I turned to open the door Lucas grabbed my hand. He had that look on his face again but there was also conflict in his eyes as if he was having an argument in his head.
Kiss me ,Lucas. Just do it.
I chanted in my head over an over.
Instead he says, " I had a lot of fun tonight ,Bella. Can I walk you to your door?"
"I would love that." I said smiling ear to ear. Maybe this is when he would finally kiss me.
As we walked Lucas grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. We were just getting ready to walk up my front porch steps when I trip over my own feet. I think I am making this a habit of mine.
"Ahhh!!" I scream as I fall. Again.
Poor Lucas because his hand was intertwined in mine had fallen with me. I was getting serious deja vu. Except instead of Lucas falling on too of me this time I had landed on him. We just sat that way staring at each other for a few seconds when Lucas starts busting up laughing.
"You are by far the most clumsiest person I have ever met!" he laughed.
I was just sitting there with a weird face and then I started laughing to.
"I'm sorry! I don't know why I'm so clumsy today!" I stated as I was trying to catch my breath after our laughing fit.
It was then that I realized that I was still on top of Lucas. I tried to sit up but as I tried I felt Lucas's hands on my waist holding my position. I gasped as I looked into his eyes. They looked wild. Feral. But most of all I saw his desire. For me.
"You are so beautiful." He said his voice husky. With that he took his right hand off my waist and put it on my cheek as he moved the hair that had fallen out from behind my ear.
I was frozen in my spot. I wet my lips. It was then that I noticed that he was looking at them. I looked in his eyes and then back to his lips and chucked the thought of any cliched romance novel ever. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.
At first he was surprised but only for a few seconds because he felt the same need I did. I had never felt this way before but I loved every second of it.
His lips pressed harder to mine and I felt his tongue seeking entrance and I granted it. With that he groaned and flipped us so he was on top and in control. I reached my hands up and pushed my fingers into his hair and moaned. He tasted so good. With that he moved his mouth down my neck. Making slow circles with his tongue. I heard him groan again.
"Bella, we need to stop. Otherwise in going to take you right here in your front yard." Lucas said as he kissed my neck.
"Okay." I said trying to find the strength to pull away. I pushed him a little bit and he pulled away. After that he grabbed my hand and continued walking me to the porch.
"Good night Bella." He said his voice still husky.
"Night Lucas." I said wanting to feel his lips on mine again.
It's like he read my mind because he pushed me against the door and kissed me roughly until I was breathless and then quickly pulled away as he turned around and walked back to his car.
Best. Date. Ever.

Hey guys,
So how was that action???? I know it's kinda soon for a kiss that heated but there is going to be major drama coming up so buckle up an get ready for the ride! Alright now I always say vote and comment but only a few of you do so please vote an comment! It lets me know that you guys are reading it and all you have to do to vote is push the little star at the bottom. That's it! So please vote and comment!
Xoxo Jackie

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