Chapter 12

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This chapter gets dedicated to @fifty_shades_of_fun aka Brook for making this amazing yet silly cover hahaha she writing two books on here and they are both amazing! The titles are Faithless and The Bad Boys Brother. So go check out her account and follow her!!!

The ride to the restaurant wasn't awkward at all. We were very comfortable with each other so we didn't worry about small talk that much. After we got done messing with each other Lucas decided to turn on the radio and my favorite song was on the radio.
I started singing the words softly thinking that if I did he wouldn't be able to hear me.
Little did you know how
I was breaking while you fall asleep
Little did you know
I'm still haunted by the memories....

I continued to sing until the song ended and then I realized that Lucas kept looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You have an amazing voice and you sang that song as if you understood what pain both of those people were feeling." Lucas said.
I just sat there. How could I have only known him for such a short while and he could know me so well?
"Thank you. " I said while blushing.
When we arrived at the restaurant I saw that it wasn't as elegant as I thought it was going to be. It was perfect. I was not in the mood for something I couldn't even pronounce on the menu.
From the looks of it this place looked like a cheeseburger warehouse. Definitely my kind of place.
"Now before you start judging by how it looks try the food and then tell me what you think. This place has the best burger,fries,and shake in the state." Lucas said looking at me with apprehension.
"Lucas stop worrying. To be honest this place looks amazing." I replied with all honesty.
He looked at me strangely and then he half bowed holding out his hand and said," Shall we?" in a elegant accent.
"We shall." I answered in the same tone as he did.
After we were seated we got out the menus and picked what we wanted and put in our orders.
Shortly after the waitress returned with our food and it looked heavenly.
My burger was loaded with pickles,cheese,and mushrooms. It looked so juicy my mouth was watering just at the sight of it.
As I took a bite out of it I moaned. "Oh my gosh. This is the best cheeseburger I have ever tasted. I seriously wish it was never ending so I could continue eating it forever." I babbled. After a few minutes I looked up and Lucas was staring at me with that strange look again.
"What?' I said.
He continued looking at me and said ," Nothing. You just have juice running down your chin."
With that he picked up his burger and started chewing down.
I hurried up and wiped my chin but then I started scarfing down my burger. It was so delicious I wanted to cry when it was all gone.
After we were both done Lucas payed for the bill and we headed back to his car.
"Where to now maestro?" I asked.
"Ah my friend that is for me to know and you to find out. All you need to know is that phase one is complete and now we are at the beginning if stage 2." Lucas said with a smirk.
"Fine but at least tell me if we are close." I pouted.
"Not gonna happen lollipop but go ahead and buckle up and get comfy." He said laughing at me as I did what he said.
When I realized where we were headed I started to get excited.
"Are we going to the beach??" I asked while literally bouncing up and down in my seat.
"Yes now sit still because if you keep jumping like that you're going to break my car." Lucas said his tone all serious but I could see that he was trying not to smile at my excitement.
As we pulled up to the beach I took off my shoes and started to head down. Lucas came up behind me and grabbed my hand.
"So how are you liking this date?" He asked.
"Oh so that's what this is! I thought it was just you being a gentleman." I replied with sarcasm.
"Ha ha very funny but seriously what do you think?" He asked again.
"Not gonna say until the end." I replied.
We continued walking down the beach with the wind gently blowing in our faces. We still had out hands intertwined when all of a sudden Lucas spins me around and says, " You're it!" and starts running from me.
Well in not about to let him win so we continues chasing each other and let me tell you first, running in sand is really hard especially if you don't like running in the first place and second Lucas is a very fast runner.
Just as I was about to tag him my foot got caught on his and we both tumbled to the ground. Lucas on top of me. He had that strange look in his eyes again but this time I was sure I had it in my eyes to.
Just as he was starting to lean down a football landed right by our heads and we both jumped apart knocked out of our trance.
"Yo can you throw out ball back?" the culprit yelled to Lucas.
"Uh...yeah.... sure." Lucas said.
One thing I knew for sure was tho was the best date I had ever been on and Lucas had been about to kiss me...again.

Hey guys!
It's been awhile but I made it longer than usual so yay!!!
As for Brook I know you're going to comment on the ending but I thought I would repay the favor by doing what you did to me in your book! Vote comment and follow me. Direct message me and I will for sure answer.
Xoxo Jackie

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