Chapter 9

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After I had gotten off the phone with Lucas I was wide awake. Not only was my mind racing with the possibilities of what we were gonna do tomorrow ,but I also couldn't sleep. Which also meant that I had two hours to get ready for school. Yay life!

I got in the shower and decided I had enough time to shave my legs so I did so. By the time I was done with my hair and my outfit I had twenty minutes until I had to leave.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bagel and decided to eat on the porch since my mom was working all day and all of tonight.

Just as I was about done with my bagel I saw Lucas coming towards my house in his shiny mustang

He pulled into my driveway and he got out and opened my door for me.

"Hey Bella. You ready for today?" Lucas asked.

I looked at him and said," I cannot believe you called me at four thirty in the morning for me to read a letter. You could have done that verbally over the phone. I value my sleep and I cannot believe that you would deprive me of it. That's like Girl 101 never wake a sleeping girl unless she tells you to do so and not even then. Otherwise you have a very difficult day."

As I was saying all this I had gotten into his car and had buckled my seat-belt. I turned my head and looked at him. He had on the most ridiculous face on so I just started laughing my head off. Not the type of girly laugh either. It was the kind of laugh that made you do a double take.

I continued laughing at him until we got to school. We got out of his car and started walking towards the door. As we walked I started to hear whispers. Just as I started to put my head down and twist my fingers together I felt somebody's breath in my neck. I inhaled sharply.

"Don't worry about them Bella. Just keep your chin up and don't let what they say." Lucas said by my neck. His face was pointing towards my neck so his mouth was right below my the soft part behind my ear. As he spoke it sent shivers down my spine. Just before he lifted his head he placed a lingering kiss there. With that he moved his head and started walking away.

I stood there frozen like a statue until Lucas turned around and said quietly so that only I could hear him," Breath Bella." And with that he took my hand and we continued toward the doors.

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