Chapter 11

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After we got done at Taco Bell it was around 1:30 so Lizzie decided she would help me get ready for Lucas's whatever it was. Was it a date? A party? Study session? You could never know for sure with him.
After we got settled into my room I got up to go look at the dress he had gotten for me. I still hadn't looked at it because I was scared to see it. Not because it would be ugly but just to see what he thought I would like.
As I opened the closet I turned on the light and I saw the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.
It was a creamy white dress that flowed a little past the knee. It had little gold sparkles all over it and it tied around the neck. With the dress he had supplied me with gold stilettos.
After about five minutes of staring at the dress I feel Lizzie come up behind me.
" Wow that dress is gorgeous. He definitely can shop. Alright lets get it out so I can start doing your hair."
With that we took the dress out and I put it on. It fit perfectly.
After Lizzie made me sit in chair for the remainder of time while she did my hair and makeup.
At 3:25 I looked in the mirror and I couldn't believe that it was still me. Lizzie had done my hair in curls but had pinned a few up so it was more of a soft curl. With my makeup she had applied gold eyeliner and an a soft shade of white eyeshadow.
"Wow Belles you look beautiful." Lizzie said.
I still couldn't believe it was me. As we were standing there gawking at me in the mirror the doorbell rang. "Well at least we know that he has manners. Are you ready Belles?"
"Yeah let's get this over with." I replied.
Lizzie went down first and let him in after a few minutes I started to head down the stairs. As I walked all the talking stopped. I looked up and Lucas's eyes were right on mine.
"Bella, you look amazing. Actually there isn't a word to describe how beautiful you look." Lucas said his face full of awe.
"Thanks" I said softly blushing up a storm.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah" I said.
As we headed out to the car he went to the passenger side and opened my door for me. We both got settled in and he turned on the radio.
"So," I said breaking the silence, "where are we going?" well first we are going to drive about an hour and a half away to this amazing restaurant. But as to where and what we are doing and going that my dear is part of the surprise."

Hey guys I am officially not grounds anymore!!!! Yay!!!!! I hope to start the normal updates again so get ready for some action! I know that some of the readers said that my chapters are kinda short but I just wanted to say I'm not trying to write them short I'm just typing on my iPod so on here my hands fall asleep very quickly and the chapters look way longer than in the website. I know that this one is pretty short but bare with me and I will try to update again soon!
Xoxo Jackie

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