Chapter 1

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"Are you ready for the best senior year in the history of all humankind?" said Lizzie,my best friend since preschool. Lizzie is short for Elizabeth ,but if anyone ever called her by her full name you would face what I like to call the Lizzar stare. The only person who could ever call her by her full name was her mother ,and even then it was only because Liz couldn't do anything about it.
"I suppose we have to be ready" I said " we can't avoid senior year forever."
"Belles, really? Could you be anymore depressing? We are going to have the best year of our whole lives."
I turned so I could face her. her big brown for eyes staring at me with hope and excitement. I decided if I couldn't be as excited as she was I would pretend so I could make her happy.
" Don't get me wrong ,Liz I am really jazzed for this year! I am so excited I can barely contain it! I can't wait! I want to make this a year to remember ,and if we are really lucky we even come out unscathed." I said.
I tried to sound as enthused as I could be ,but where there is school there is also drama. The jocks, the cheerleaders, and everybody else that was popular. They had all made it their life's mission to make my life miserable. What I didn't tell Lizzie is that I planned to change all that this year. Don't get the impression that I hate school because to be honest I loved it. But everything in my life had been the same for what felt like forever and I just wanted to have some excitement. Maybe I would meet the perfect guy who would buy me flowers and take me someplace nice to eat. I had never voiced these thoughts aloud ,but I am bound and determined to have something in my life change this year.
"You better" said Lizzie "I want this year to be awesome" she said.
After this she then dived into the latest gossip of our tiny town. Who was dating who and who was still single.
I zoned out after she started to talk about Bradley Zane. Bradley was the star quarterback of Star View High. Everybody that met him loved him. That would've been fine. Except for the fact that he knew it so he used it to his advantage.
I used to have a huge crush on him until I went to a party last year and saw him drunk trying to go to second base with a freshman girl who was equally as drunk as he was.
We pulled into the parking lot of our school ,and all of a sudden a huge black, shiny mustang swerved in front of me as I had started to pull into the parking space. I slammed on my brakes as fast as I could and narrowly missed his shiny bumper. After the initial shock of me almost dying had passed I started getting out of my car.
"What the heck do you think your doing?!?! Who do you think you are? You can't just pull out in front of somebody like that!"
Well at least that is what I was about to say until I saw who was in the car.
He was definitely a new guy. At least I had never seen him before and I would've known if I had because this guy was his own category of hot.
He was wearing a black leather duster and his hair was shaggy and was black mixed with what looked like little gold flecks in it. He slowly turned around and took his sunglasses off. That was when I noticed his eyes. They were the kind of blue that you couldn't decide the shade of. He had on black jeans with Converse.
As I slowly became aware of my surroundings I noticed that Lizzie wasn't in the passenger seat any more. I turned back around and saw that she was all in the new guy's face telling him off very loudly. Whoever this guy was he was definitely feeling the effects of the Lizzar stare. After I noticed this I hurried over to them and dragged her away from him.
" Lizzie! Stop! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"No" she replies " I am perfectly fine but that guy's not going to be in about five minutes of he doesn't start begging for my forgiveness!"
With this bit of information I realized she was alright so I turned around and faced the new guy.
"How bout you? You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said.
Seriously that's all he had to say after it was his fault it had happened in the first place?
"What..?" I began to say but he cut me off.
"What's your name?"
"I said what's your name?" He repeated softly.
I know what you all are thinking this was the perfect time to say something sarcastic or sexy that could make an impression that would mark me unforgettable. Something like "Wouldn't you like to know." or "Why don't you try and figure it out?" Under different circumstances I would have done all of the above but in my defense his eyes were very distracting and let's face it he was very, very, scorching hot. So instead of me being a snarky, sexy girl I settled for flustered, nerdy girl.
" Umm....B-b-bella..." I stuttered. Just for the record rarely do I ever stutter he had just caught me really off guard.
"Hey Bella. I'm Lucas."
"I'll see ya around Bella."
He then turned around ,and walked out of the parking lot towards the school.

Hey guys! This is the first time I've ever actually written something so I'd love to hear your feedback. Even the negative things if it's in an appropriate way :) I will try my best to update at least once or twice a week it will just depend on my schedule that particular week. I will try and update every Wednesday but I'm not going to promise anything. I hope you like my book!
Vote, comment ,and follow!!!!!

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