Chapter 5

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"OUCH! Ow ow ow ow.....stupid stupid curling wand with its stupid need to burn me everytime I use it!" I ranted.
"Everything okay in there ,Belles?" Lizzie asked.
I had told her to stand outside while I was in the bathroom but then I had decided to curl my hair which is ending up to be the worst decision I have ever made. It seemed as if my curling wand had made it its life's mission to burn me as many time as it could.
"Yeah I'm fine. You can come in now." I told her then proceeded to curl my hair.
"What are you...?" that's as far as she got because when she walked in her eyes got wide as she looked at my mangled hand.
"What the heck have you been doing in her? Conducting World War III on your hands?!" She screeched which caused me to burn myself again because let me tell you her screeches are very high pitched. So high pitched I think she just burst my eardrums.
"OUCH! Come on you know how I am with a curling wand! You can't make any sudden noises or movements! Otherwise I burn myself!" I said.
Lizzie looked dubiously at me and took the curling wand from me.
"Sit down. "
"What? No, I got.."
"No you don't. One look at your hands is proof of that now sit down and turn your head." She said. Another thing about Lizzie is that she can be extremely bossy.
"Fine." I mumbled.
"Why are you even curling your hair? You rarely get dressed up let alone curl your hair and now your doing both. So what's up?" She asked.
I thought about telling her the truth which was we were going to the mall ,and that there was a teensy weensy chance I'd see Lucas there. As hard as I had tried I just could not stop thinking of him. The worst part was that he had completely ignored me the rest of the school week and hadn't texted me or anything.
But instead I told her," I don't know. I just felt like feeling a bit girlier today so I decided to dress nicer."
"I don't believe you but whatever. There your done. Now lets go."
As we pulled into the mall I noticed that it was really packed today.
"They must be having a really good sale today. " I said. "It is Saturday so it's possible. "
"Let's go check it out." Liz said.
We walked through the doors and walked to the crowd of people in the middle of the hallway. I was trying to see what was going on but I couldn't so I turned around and told Lizzie," I'm gonna go look closer. "
"Okay. I'm gonna go look in Aeropostale. " With that she turned around and left.
I inched my way to the front and when I got there I wish I could have gone back. Because what I was seeing was something I didn't want to. There was a fight going on between two kids from our school. I looked closer and realized that it was Bradley and a guy named Dimitri. I never really talked to him but he seemed like a nice enough guy. He was quiet most of the time so that made me think that it was Bradley who had started the fight.
I looked towards the food court at tables and realized that there were a whole group of teenagers sitting around it watching the fight with smug grins on there faces.
And guess who sitting right there along with them?
None other than Lucas Mayfield.

Hey guys! I know I don't usually publish this early but I was just really bored so I figured what the heck? Also I was extremely excited to see how many readers I have now!! Thank you so much for your support and I hope you like the new chapter. I apologize for the cliff hanger but all will be explained in due time. :) I might still publish a new chapter on Wednesday as normal but I'm not gonna make any promises. I gotta a long trip this weekend so I'm gonna be really busy. Anyways thanks again for reading my book.
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Xoxo Jackie :)

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